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Not a well researched piece.
A Chamois is not a sheep, it is a goat.
He makes contradictory statements in saying not to use Vaseline, but then recommends Bag Balm, which is primarily a petrolatum base with lanolin and other ingredients. In other words, it is Vaseline with other stuff in it.
Secondly, modern day 'chamois creme' are designed to condition the skin of the rider, not the 'skin' of the shorts. Sweating is a necessary thermoregulatory function of the body, even 'down there'; ingredients in chamois creme are designed to either close pores, kill bacteria or otherwise retard the production of oils. Cornstarch is the opposite spectrum of 'lubrication' - everyone's body chemistry is their own.
There should be a minimum of chafing with properly fitted shorts (not old, baggy bunchy ones) and a good saddle. If you have "weird looking chamois" or "seams all over", I would not wear them. In a perfect world, with a well-matched 'interface' (skin, shorts, saddle) you would not need chamois creme, but everyone is different.
and, the article is from 2008.
I think that sensitivity to friction can vary quite a bit from one person to another. Definitely one of those "your mileage may vary" subjects. ;)
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