Has anyone had any success frame-mounting the Kryptonite "New York Fahgettaboudit" lock? I am getting tired of carrying it on my back (the thing weighs more than my laptop!)

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I ended up locking the U-Lock to my rear rack. It had a couple holes in the top that fit perfectly, with the the thicker part with the keyhole resting on top of the rack and the U portion resting at the edge of the rack, so it didn't touch the tire. I'll post a photo later once I am by my bike.

The Megablock looks like a better option yet, if you can find them. Right now, their web site helps you find wholesale outlets, but no retail. I suppose your LBS may be able to order them for you.

Mattheis said:

The best solution I have found for mounting U locks is made by a company called TwoFish.

I use two small ones for my Abus u lock. It is PERFECT. Ultra secure, zero noise, completely removable, won't scratch my frame. They're basically contoured rubber blocks with velcro straps. If I remember they're made in the USA too.

I also mount a superbright LED maglite on my handlebars with one. The bracket allows me to adjust the aim while riding, and if I have a handlebar bag I can undo the velcro and mount the light down on my fork.

They come in different configurations and are high quality. I think I paid under $10. Check your local bike store otherwise Amazon and online retailers carry them.

The TwoFish "Megablock" seems to be your best bet for a Fahgettaboudit u lock. Maybe even use 2.


I attach my U-lock to my rear rack like so:

I agree with James about figuring out a way to put it on the rack.  I do that on my Breezer and my Civia and while it isn't a perfect fit it gets the job done.

I do it in a similar way. Simple, but it tends to rattle on even the smallest pothole.

Adam Herstein said:

I attach my U-lock to my rear rack like so:

I don't like the way it sits on my Surly Nice racks. Spacing won't allow it to straddle 2 cross bars, and it has a lot of freedom to move around with just 1 cross bar. I also often carry two bags in the winter so looping it around the back won't work. I'll check with the LBS's first. Then there's always Amazon for the Megablocks by Twofish.

I saw one guy who had a NYFU lock tucked inside his back belt covering his left back pocket.

Make sure you have a really strong belt and tight enough, because that thing is damn heavy as heck and it may pull your pants down.

It really only rattles when I go over bumps. The lock is for the most part kept in place by the side of the rack.

h' said:

Count me among those who would be driven crazy by the lock rattling in the rack. I bungee my second U-lock to the top of the rear rack with enough bungees (at least one below) to kill most of the rattle.

Looked at it from a new angle, and here's my new idea for carrying the NY F U-lock on the Surley Nice rack:

My girlfriend has a Fuhgeddabout it lock that she carries on a Nitto Campee rear rack (the one with lowriders.) She carries it slung against the outside of the top of the rack with a toe strap that is tied through the rack (sorry, I don't have any photos.) It does rattle over bumps but a bungee cord securing the bottom takes care of this. 


I had the same problem so i built a holster that hangs behind my brooks saddle. I've been using it all summer and it rocks. I started selling it on my website.

Here's a video of it in action  http://bitly.com/S5HuzC




working bikes has a bunch of used mounts for all kinds of U-locks. I just saw them yesterday...you can get one for a couple bucks.


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