Nearly every morning, I witness 40-foot trucks driving on the Lake Front Trail. The trucks take up the entire width of the path, and knock over tree branches onto unsuspecting joggers and bikers. They are creating a dangerous situation by funneling two way running/biking traffic into the narrow shoulder, while blocking view of the oncoming lane. I should also note that the trucks are moving, and not just parked on the trail. How are they even getting access to the trail, and who is continuing to allow this to happen?

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I always assumed riding on the LFP was safer than city streets.  Guess not.


There are plenty of Park District pickup trucks and industrial-strength lawnmowers every morning as well. Why are trucks banned from Lake Shore Drive, but allowed on the adjacent bike path?

I've seen them too. They get on @ North Ave and drive down to the Oak Street Beach cafe.

How else will they restock that restaurant?

Cargo bikes, helicopters, giant push-carts, I don't care. It's not our problem how they restock, and they shouldn't burden the public – who has a right to the trail – with their private business needs.

Duppie 13.5185km said:

How else will they restock that restaurant?

How about teleporting the goods? Dr. Who's phone booth?

Adam Herstein (5.5 mi) said:

Cargo bikes, helicopters, giant push-carts, I don't care. It's not our problem how they restock, and they shouldn't burden the public – who has a right to the trail – with their private business needs.

Duppie 13.5185km said:

How else will they restock that restaurant?

True. But that would require trucks to drive on LSD, which is not allowed.

Serge Lubomudrov said:

There is an entrance from the Lake Shore Drive to the LFT located much closer to the Oak Beach. Again, it's only a guess, but it probably costs money to use it. It's cheaper to irritate some cyclists, who are hated by everybody else, anyway. And what can they do about it?—Nada.

It's not just the LFT.  I see landscaping trucks on the North Channel trail all the time, many of them contractors, not park district.  They're usually the worst at blocking the whole trail, too. I also love when they're doing it between 8:30 and 9, peak commuting time.

Think winter--the restaurant will be closed and the LFP will be empty except for cyclists and some tenacious joggers. :-)

This is the very kind of attitude displayed by car drivers that is so annoying to the bicycling community.   Its a limited number of vehicles that need access in order to provide services to the businesses along the LFT.  For the society as a whole, this is the safest and most convenient time for the stocking to occur.   Imagine the outcry if they stocked at night and some Night Ninja without a light and helmet ran into the truck at night.   We expect others to deal with us and let us use our share of the infrastructure.  We should do the same thing.  But, no doubt, the self-centered Critical Mass mindset is going to kick in again.   

Adam Herstein (5.5 mi) said:

Cargo bikes, helicopters, giant push-carts, I don't care. It's not our problem how they restock, and they shouldn't burden the public – who has a right to the trail – with their private business needs.

Duppie 13.5185km said:

How else will they restock that restaurant?

I understand the need, but wouldn't late at night or really early in the morning be a better time than morning rush hour? The trail isn't just used by beach-goers.

Cameron 7.5 mi said:

Thousands of people use the lake front everyday, for a space that small to serve that many people stuff has to come in and out daily . If you want concession stands and restaurants to be stocked, garbage cans emptied, grass mowed and other maintenance done, then all of those vehicles have to get to the lake front somehow. It makes sense to do all that in the morning before things get really busy.

Adam Herstein (5.5 mi) said:

There are plenty of Park District pickup trucks and industrial-strength lawnmowers every morning as well. Why are trucks banned from Lake Shore Drive, but allowed on the adjacent bike path?

True. But the park is closed at 11pm, so trucks are not allowed there at that time.


Serge Lubomudrov said:

Magic powers are not needed. It is just usual (especially, in my experience, in Chicago) I-don't-give-a-fuck-about-others attitude. It wouldn't be a problem if they were re-stocking their supplies at night, when there are very few people on the trail. But, again, it would probably cost them more.

There is one hell of a big concrete apron there that service vehicles can drive on for most of that distance without blocking the entire path.


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