Anyone use TowIt? It looks like it might have been developed in Canada..?

I've never heard of anyone using this in Chicago (yet).

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Bring this to Chicago...

I just tried to load website, looks like it's down.

Hey there,

Co-Founder of TowIt here (yay Google Alerts). We've had a single report in Chicago a few weeks ago. That said, we've been getting hundreds of downloads from across the USA over the last 48 hours or so. The app works all over the world.

If you are experiencing problems with the newspaper's link above please try going to the regular version of the site at I assume you are using the latest version of chrome and they do have a security certificate bug in that build that for some reason conflicts with the SSL version of our site.

It's working now... There may have been a hick-up at the time... I believe it was a server error 500, but all is good now.

Strange, sorry about that. Maybe CloudFlare. :S

That's a start, Michael! Can you speak to what kind of reception your app has from US traffic authorities? That's great the downloads in the US are rising but seems like the critical piece is getting our cops to want to use the service too.

The only solid US connection we've had thus far (since we started development a few months ago) is from an officer in the City of San Luis Obispo, California. He wants to chat this week about implementing a real-time solution and promoting the app in said city. He seems keen!

We likely have to start small and prove it "works" in big cities; as such, this is a small but great step.

The more users we have, and usage we have, the more powerful it makes us when it comes to presenting ourselves to various municipalities around the globe. It's one of those "if you build it they will come" things...

We're cyclists ourselves, and we get it.

Anything that ups the antagonism is a bad idea. And this app will do about as much good as car alarms.

A towing costs a ton of money ($250?) it's sort of a dick move to jam someone who could be working, could have kids, struggling to get by, any number of other things.  99% of drivers do just fine, getting pissy on account of 1% of drivers is just pretty / petty ego-centric.  I think a couple years ago we didn't have lanes and now everyone is getting pretty entitled about them.

If there parked in a tow area they should get a ticket and possibly get towed.

Drivers who follow the rules shouldn't have a problem.

As both a driver and cyclist, I like this idea.

We advise all users to use precaution and to be as "stealth" as possible when using TowIt. There's no need to let the driver know what you've done or captured. Take your picture (you can even try to get a friend to fake pose so it's less obvious- something) and move along.

We don't actually tow yet. We don't have those connections in place. If it were to ever happen we would hope that it's only to repeat offenders, and said offenders would learn their lesson after a single tow.

The mere existence of TowIt has the potential to be a major deterrent to this selfish behavior, if only enough people knew about it.

To my way of thinking snitching seems like a death spiral that will bring everyone down.


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