Tour de France 2016 has begun!

Schedule - Dates - Times - Info !

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Any local places showing replays?

Probably want to call ahead to see if these places are still open and showing TdF replays...

Last year's thread on the topic:

My Sony 3D TV look a lot like yours. 

Here's an article we did on TdF last year:

Tour de France for Newbz

Heritage in conjunction with Abus locks is hosting a viewing of the Montpellier/Mont Ventoux mountain stage on July 14th.

Deets here:

Five story lines from The Tour de France's first week.

Source: New York Times. Article by lan Austen 7-11-16

I don't think we'll ever see a finish like today's stage in the TDF ever again (at least I hope not) - chaos! (I'd say what happened but don't want to spoil it for anyone planning on watching later).

that was pretty wild!  

Thankfully the race organizers did the correct thing with regard to the overall standings.


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