Tour de Fat, Pitchfork highlight the pressing need for more bike parking at fests

Last weekend Grid Chicago attended the fabulously bicycle-friendly Tour de Fat bike and beer festival and Pitchfork music fest, two great events that highlighted the growing need for plentiful, secure bicycle parking at summer events. While the Chicago Reader Biker Village corral at Pitchfork parked over 1,000 bikes, it wasn't nearly enough.

Read the story here. It's probably the only article about bike parking you will ever read featuring a non-gratuitous image of a naked lady.

Keep moving forward,

John Greenfield


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The Biker Village was pretty darn full, overflowing really. Here's a couple of pix.



Tour de fat could have used more parking, it was not as bad as those pics of p-fork, but the provided parking was maybe 90% full, and bikes were all over the park and on people's fences across the street. One more of those long fences would have been  enough.

There is a shot of the parking here, including me in a few shots :)

Dottie responds to the Biker Village's use of a naked person (presumably a woman) to identify the bike parking corral. 



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