Took 2 rounds in Englewood this morning (paintball, thankfully!)

It's always something on the Southside, baby! 3 weeks ago my bike was stolen from a CTA station. Today, riding up Damen around 63rd or so, I got hit by something in the right shin. There was stuff whizzing by my head, I thought maybe someone was throwing rocks. But then I recognized the "Pop" of a gun, and took a really painful round in my left hand. For just a second I thought, "Shit, this could be live rounds!" The "pops" were too soft to be live (unless a silencer) and then I saw the paint (mixed with blood) running down. I gotta' rethink this bike commute from the far southside thing...


But I give them props for marksmanship. I was going about 17-18 mph and they nailed me from 150 feet away! I suppose a skinny white guy on a bike is just too inviting a target. But next time it could be live rounds. Shit!

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I hope your wounds heal quickly. Paintball gun or not, that should be reported to the police.

Good lord. This happened at like 8 in the morning? Glad you are okay.

I'm not sure about whether you are really really gusty or crazy to bike through englewood. I agree - file a police report. glad you weren't hurt worse. and please tell us you don't ride through there at night ?


p.s. this supports one of my theories that the day before a holiday is always a more-dangerous-than-usual day to ride. why is that ? why do crazy people get even more crazy before holidays ?


Ha! I think I may be insane... I've never gone through at night, but there's a lot going on in the streets of Englewood on a Summer evening around 6PM! I really didn't epect anything like this first thing in the morning!

dan brown said:

I'm not sure about whether you are really really gusty or crazy to bike through englewood. I agree - file a police report. glad you weren't hurt worse. and please tell us you don't ride through there at night ?


p.s. this supports one of my theories that the day before a holiday is always a more-dangerous-than-usual day to ride. why is that ? why do crazy people get even more crazy before holidays ?


Sorry to hear that.  I had an ice-cream bar thrown at me in the west side but they missed hitting me.  I just became a commuter this week, I'm sure I'll have stories to tell pretty soon.

I've had people spit at me from their cars and throw an occasional bottle at me. I haven't been shot at (that I know of).

What the hell is wrong with people?

Heal well Jim Shaw.

Your the type of patient phlebotomists dream about.


It seems to me, bad nieghborhoods just amplify how most of society here regard bicycles and bicyclists as silly playthings. Glad you are Okay.

If not too far out of your way, I would suggest...

North on Kedzie through Marquette Park.

I took it from Alsip to Logan Square.

Not awesome, but rideable.

Lawndale too, but I used Kedzie on the regular.

I had some kids throw records at me once. No joke... I guess obsolete (or older) technology is the new rocks :))

Beans ~ 14 mi. said:

I've had people spit at me from their cars and throw an occasional bottle at me. I haven't been shot at (that I know of).

What the hell is wrong with people?

Heal well Jim Shaw.

That was an impressive shot, some of the modern paintball markers can shoot up to 25 balls a second. The only thing that saves us is they are very expensive to buy, and operate. 150ft is about the maximum range so I would think they were closer judging from the fact it drew blood ( I played competitive paintball for many years and you can tell by the welt it leaves how close and how fast the paintballs are fired.

Sorry this had to happen to you, all we can hope is that one day they fire paintballs at the wrong person and get some lead tossed back in their direction.


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