The contrast between video 1 and 2 is unbelievable...would not have even thought it was the same person, much less possible.

Those who've ever witnessed endstage PD will understand Dr. Bloem's reaction.

No clue what the implications are, but sure is amazing.

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Wow! That's mind boggling. The first video was tough to watch. That's how my dad looked a few years ago. If we could have gotten a step-through frame tall enough for him, perhaps we could have seen something like the 2nd video. His balance when walking or standing was poor enough that he couldn't have gotten on the bike he had. He would have fallen before he ever swung his leg over.

I suggested a trike, but he thought it was dorky and resisted the idea. I wish I'd been able to get him on one. My gut feeling was that it would have helped. Towards the end, it was difficult to find forms of exercise that gave him an effective workout that he could still do.

I'll be curious to see where the Dutch can go with this.


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