So, today I was ticketed for riding on the sidewalk. This ticket was issued just north of Michigan Ave, north (across the street) from the Drake hotel, where Michigan ends and the path leads onto the lakefront path. There is also a DIVVY station there.

My question is, is this considered a city sidewalk, or is it considered part of the Chicago parks/lakefront path. I found this under the citation number I was issued.

Riding bicycles on sidewalks and certain roadways.
No person shall ride a bicycle upon a sidewalk within a business district^unless such sidewalk has been officially designated and marked as a bicycle route, or such sidewalk is used to enter the nearest roadway, intersection or designated bicycle
path, or to access a bicycle share station
Just wondering if I should contest this ticket. Also, watch out at this location, unless you're riding a DIVVY. Every DIVVY rider only received a warning while I was being ticketed.

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My question to you is were you going down to the underpass to the LFP or were you biking East/West there.  If it was the former that seems incredibly unfair..everybody gets off Michigan onto the sidewalk briefly there and goes down the ramp to the LFP.  

I was heading down the underpass to LFP. 

I say contest it. It certainly sounds as if it were "used to enter the nearest roadway, intersection or designated bicycle path."

Hmm....if that's one of the connecting thingies that, say, leads to the underground tunnel that leads you to the LFT, I'd absolutely contest it...

BTW, how much is a bike ticket, if you don't mind my asking?? (All these years I've been convinced that cycling violators never get ticketed, or else the city's budget wouldn't be such a mess....)

And how do they pull you over???

I don't recognize a path leading to an underpass as a sidewalk.  A "sidewalk" is the area on either SIDE of a street where you can WALK separately from vehicles.  Hence the name.  A tunnel leading to the LFP isn't on the side of any street and is plainly intended for you "to enter" the LFP.


^ Not my official legal opinion but backed by wiki and Webster's.

Interesting that a police officer would ticket for this. At worst, it's a gray area but seems to me it should be legal to ride there because it's entire purpose is to get cyclists and pedestrians to the LFP safely. If it is not, they should have a sign telling cyclists to walk their bikes. 

I'd fight it and take lots of pics with you to help build your case.

There is a sign right on the corner of Michigan and East Lake Shore dr. (the NE corner) that says "Walk bikes on the sidewalk".  

That being said I was stopped by an officer about a week (2?) ago who told me to "read the sign" and instructed me to walk my bike. I too was heading to the Lakefront trail via the underpass there.  

The next day I asked the officers stationed there (different officers this time) how far the "sidewalk" extended and if I would have to walk my bike all the way through the underpass.  They told me that if it isn't crowded, to not worry about it. They have gotten complaints apparently, and from what the 2nd set of officers told me is that it seemed to be mostly the young "fixie kids" being jerks, but all cyclists get cracked down on.  

Takeaway being - If it is crowded with pedestrians at the crosswalk, walk bike past the divvy station and then mount up. If it isn't crowded, just go slow and you'll be fine. 

Unless you see the same cop that wrote you the ticket of course, then walk until you're out of their sight then mount up.

Super helpful. Thanks for sharing John!


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