Hey Chainlinkers, I know this isn't related to biking but I am working on an article about this and I would love to hear what you guys think.  Please comment below. I'm working on deadline so the sooner the better. Thanks!

Here's some background: 

Articles: http://www.npr.org/blogs/thesalt/2013/01/22/170002123/energy-drinks...


Video:  http://chicagotonight.wttw.com/2013/01/22/burke-proposes-energy-dri...

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Whats in it for me?

Zoetrope, if you say something interesting, poignant or otherwise contribute to the conversation, I'll quote you in the article. 

Thanks so much John!  What neighborhood are you from so I can say "John Durham from ______,  says"   Thanks again!

Can we go with just Logan Square in the interest of word space?

It's kind of funny to think of a ban based on these beverages over caffeine mcg. Part of the major health concerns is the growing levels of juvenile obesity and subsequent earlier onsets of diabetes (2). The problems there are not caffeine, but high sugar levels coupled with more sedimentary lifestyles - feels like a shell game crossed with a band aid.

Does this ban include Muscle Milk? 

You can quote me as asking that in the article if you want.

Foie Gras - part deux.

That product needs to be banned for it's dumb name alone. I'd support that ;)

Zoetrope said:

Does this ban include Muscle Milk? 

You can quote me as asking that in the article if you want.

I think citizens should be free to make their own choices about what to eat and drink.


I don't drink energy drinks mostly because I cannot process the excess sugar many of them contain.  I will use Gatorade or a similar product if I am on a century ride as the body needs more than water.  I have bonked.  That being said, this is a personal decision.  Ban them for kids?  Ban  them from schools?  I don't know but maybe there is something to be said.  Ban them for adults?  Bad policy.  If they are bad products its better to encourage people not to use them. Tobacco is still legal but the culture has long turned against it. I have long been a helmet nerd on The Chainlink annoyingly advocating helmet use.  However, I would never agree with mandatory helmets. People are free to make bad choices and I am free to chastise them for those choices.  If the Alderman wants to tell users of energy drinks that they are [INSERT BAD WORDS HERE] he can go for it.  Beyond that, he makes himself look more the fool than the guy with a double Red Bull. If behavior will hurt others its ok to legislate.  We don't want people blowing off red lights or driving while distracted. Thus, its ok to talk about limiting use of cell phones etc in cars.  If the behavior may be self destructive, that's the user's decision whether we are talking about drugs, too much pizza, over sized sodas, Mcwhatever or energy drinks. If we could quantify how buzzed somebody was from using too much Red Bull and it effected one's judgement I guess we could consider legislating about driving while impaired etc. If somebody wants to drink it otherwise, that's their issue. My wife's grandfather had a word in a frame on his piano- "moderation"  Its a good word to live by.  Too much of anything, even...biking?..can be a problem.  Not getting any...even prohibited things?...can lead to a boring life. Of course, the decision to be a moderate is personal as well.  Some of us thrive by living on the edge and more power to them.

Kevin C 4.1 mi said:

Foie Gras - part deux.

BTW, my name is Ezekiel and I'm from Alsip. 

Thanks, April!

Zoetrope said:

Does this ban include Muscle Milk? 

Without a trace of irony or sarcasm, Ed Burke IS the most powerful alderman in the City of Chicago (and possibly in the world). I have never understood why he gets involved in these petty matters. 

Cameron 7.5 mi said:

This is the same alderman who lead a city council inquiry into whether or not fights on the Jerry Springer Show were staged, at this point in his career there really isn't much more he can do to increase his reputation for foolish crusades against non issues. 

David Barish 13.9 said:

If the Alderman wants to tell users of energy drinks that they are [INSERT BAD WORDS HERE] he can go for it.  Beyond that, he makes himself look more the fool than the guy with a double Red Bull.


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