Thoughts on the P.A.C.E. (Post Antagonism Chainlink Era)


So it occurred to me late last night that with the new civility in place we are in the P.A.C.E. (Post Anger/Agitation/Acerbic/Antipathy/Antagonism Chainlink Era)

Which is great but my suspicion is that traffic for the site is down.  Lee more or less said at one point that conflict leads to higher metrics.  If you look to the right there are advertisers and for them and others those metrics matter.  As of right now, Monday morning the front page has posts from Friday on it which seems sleepy to me.

So if we take out the snarl and spittle what is going to replace it?  There is a void there and for the site to keep on something has to come in to replace it.

In this please post something, be a little more liberal in your replies. I'm going to make an effort at it and hopefully you will to. Have you posted or replied today? If not why? 


(PS going to self bump this for a while and hopefully it gets some views)

(PPS has the 'link lead to any marriages that we know of? It seems to be one of the marks of honor that a website can have)

This is my new footer, hopefully it's not an issue since I plan to use it for a while at least.

For responders with nothing but snark: If your life is so sad you derive pleasure from being insulting I feel sorry for you as do most other people. Rather than being a detractor find something interesting and post it, you'll feel better about yourself and other people will like you more. Thanks, Haddon.

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My intent was to pick shrill, delusional and hyperbolic examples.  Wikipedia describes NY Post as a "tabloid" specializing in "sensationalism" and "yellow journalism".  Thanx for clarifying those as synonymous with conservative media.

Meanwhile I'm hearing murmurings from the milieu who long ago abandoned thecomplainlink, eager to hope that the witches are truly dead.  Someday I hope to say yes.

Cycling-wise: I've been doing a 20mi+ Evanston roundtrip lately, mostly through riverside parks. So deeply beautiful, planning to make a vid before snowfall.

Cycling-wise: I've been doing a 20mi+ Evanston roundtrip lately, mostly through riverside parks. So deeply beautiful, planning to make a vid before snowfall.

I hope you'll share that video here whenever you make it.

Is this intended to make more people visit CL, my friend?  Do you feel neglected?  Do we need to take a trip to New Glarus?

What is it, pray tell?  Indulge me, fair companion!  :-)

I do appreciate David Barish's response, however - 

Let's DRINK BEER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

envane (69 furlongs) said:

Fuck you.

Change for the better.  Conflict for conflict's sake is known by another word -- drama.  Personally, I could care less for drama and want no part of it; I'm not in jr. high school.

Less drama, more good discussion. That's what I'd like to see on Chainlink.

Amen to that Anne ! More good discussion from good Chainlink members !

The Korn said:

Change for the better.  Conflict for conflict's sake is known by another word -- drama.  Personally, I could care less for drama and want no part of it; I'm not in jr. high school.


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