I'm concerned that the posts to the chainlink so far this year aren't inciting enough animosity. Try this handy flowchart:

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thanks kevin

It's comforting to know I picked correctly.

Fuck religion.  

aaaaaaand we're off.

Well, anyone who thinks that Jews feel "meh" about hummus has obviously never been

to Israel (which I haven't).

Nice chart. You can try one a month and then in Dec. 2012 you can make your move.

Well the voice said daddy there's a million pigeons waiting to be hooked on new religions, hit the road daddy leave your common-law wife. Spread the religion of the rhythm of life.

Yet I do not see that on this chart.

You were asking for it. It was the way you were dressed.

Chris C said:

Yet another example of how we Druids are being kept down by the man. We shoulda squashed that whole monotheism thing when it first surfaced.

This is amazing! ;-)

Buddhism is no god, not many.  And it's more "Indian" than "Chinese".

You do know this chart isn't foolproof don't you?

Blair Fabian said:

Buddhism is no god, not many.  And it's more "Indian" than "Chinese".

I think I originally saw this chart on reddit, and then I see this there today:  "Cain, Perry, Bachmann all claimed God told them to run for Presiden..."


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