Thinking about this route for a future ride - seeking opinions/advice

I'm looking for routes to add mileage to my usual commute mileage, and preferably mostly on paths or lower traffic areas. I thought this route looked like it might be doable as I've ridden part of it, but wasn't too sure about the northbound bit that goes east of Wolf Lake and up through Indiana and back. There is a big stretch there where the Google maps show no bike-friendly roads before getting onto that section of the Lake George Trail, specifically Sheffield Avenue. Has anyone done a similar loop? Is any of this kinda sketchy, as in "don't ride it except in the company of other folks lest ye be parted from yer wheels?"

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I have ridden into Indiana further south, like maybe Sibley (it was a while ago, so I don't quite remember) and on the northern part of your loop, 112th. The stretch on Indianapolis boulevard is not a great stretch to ride, but there's no alternative if you cross north of the lake. At least you're not on it for very long. I don't know about Sheffield. I've yet to see anywhere down there that I would call sketchy in a way that might make me wonder about my safety.

There's nothing sketchy on east side of Wolf Lake.  Sheffield Rd. is pretty industrial, Whiting is pleasant.

That nasty bit on Indianapolis on the way back can be avoided by taking the secret "northwest passage" into Calumet Park.

Envane - details?

Are you referring to the bit where you ride under the tracks and go into the south end of calumet park?  Is the brick road still there?

envane (69 furlongs) said:

There's nothing sketchy on east side of Wolf Lake.  Sheffield Rd. is pretty industrial, Whiting is pleasant.

That nasty bit on Indianapolis on the way back can be avoided by taking the secret "northwest passage" into Calumet Park.

I only did it once, but I think what's being referred to is in the general vicinity of the arrows;  its not that straight forward, and there's a bit of gravel access road riding, but once you get past the casino access drive, you follow the train tracks:


Dirt trail from the powerplant to the casino.   You have to dismount and carry your bike over railroad tracks to get on/off it


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