So yeah, I decided that after the holidays, I will finally pull the trigger on another bike. I hear great things about fixed/fw bikes, and I have rode my friend's a couple of times, and I think I will get one. I have been casually looking and I am nowhere near deciding. I love the looks of the Specialized Tokyo langster, but I can just as easily go for a steel ride of something like the much more "economical" Schwinn Cutter.

Any guidance, or ideas? I'm not a fixie expert so top of the line components aren't a dealbreaker. Also, not being a hipster, street cred isn't a dealbreaker either. Thanks for any help or input.

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Yeah, the cutter looks pretty awesome. Decals can be easily removed. I don't think it's a flip flop, so if you want both, you may have to switch it out. I bought a 08 Madison a couple months before the Cutter was announced, I would have preferred something less flashy, but the madison is pretty awesome. Always go steel, I got hit by a cab a couple months back and the frame totally held up fine...I was ok too.

Vando said:
Wow, there is obviously a lot to think about here. A couple things that I've decided from reading your replies are: 1) I think the Langsters are out; pricey and for a bike I am going to beat up on the streets, too flamboyant. 2) Price is very much an object. Frames ordered from Japan and custom jobs, (although would be EXTREMELY SWEET) are most likely not feasible on my budget.

I also probably won't build. I am too much of a procrastinator and not especially experienced in bike mechanics. Thanks for turning me on to the Scattante and the Flite 100, they look pretty good (except for the Scattante's blue color, don't know if they come in others).

I'm still keeping the Schwinn Cutter on the short list. Steel frame and slick murdered-out paintjob are plusses, although those bars would have to be chopped or replaced altogether. The Cutter's low price leaves room for hotter wheels or fenders or whatever later on. Basically I am looking for fg/ss hub, room for possibly adding fenders, and maybe even room for some of those slightly fatter tires I've seen out there, for the winter.

Thanks for all of your help, I know there are many schools of thought on this subject and you guys have really narrowed down the field for me on potential bikes. I feel much more informed now!
Just found this when I was looking for a pic of the cutter (nice bike!)
If it's for riding on the street I would recommend building your own conversion like Stacey suggested. Get a road frame from the '80s and sink all of your dough into a good set of wheels. Wheels are totally where it's at, especially on a fixie/ss. What else is there on a fixie!?!

Plus you learn all kinds of good knowledge building your own like replacing your bottom bracket and working on the chain line and that sort of stuff. If you really get into it you can build your own wheels!

Some freak bikers will talk about what's called a "Russian Bride" dispairingly. It come's up when someone shows up with a pre-fab chopper like the new Schwinn Sting-Rays or the line of West Coast Choppers. So in this reference a "Russian Bride" would be that you bought it instead of built it, kinda like having a gorgeous mail-ordered bride that was in it for the green card and the $$$. She could care less about you and you didn't win her over with anything but the money fronted.

I think a similar analogy could be applied to street fixies.

I also like to compare building your own fixie/ss to the Blues. The basis of Blues music is relatively simple, kinda like the mechanics of a fixie. But how an individual can expand upon that basic foundation seems endless. The persona that's put into building your own fixie (or any bike for that matter) reflects directly upon it's owner. If you're an off the shelf, one size fits all type a guy, then perhaps a cheap pre-built fixie is the way to go. But if you define yourself by what you ride then you owe it to yourself to build your own.

*Disclaimer* By no means do I want to put down anyone for riding new. All biking is good and I'm happy to see all of you out there riding what you do.
I was once at the Crossroads and Satan gave me all the knowledge of wrenching a fixed gear after I bested him in a rendition of "Flight of the Bumblebee" on guitar.

Just jivin', BF. I'm just in a weird mood tonight (stoked by hope that work is canceled tomorrow!).
Well, since you bested him I hope that means you got the golden fiddle and he didn't get your soul. Selling your soul to learn all the knowledge of wrenching a fixed gear is like selling your soul to learn the alphabet! ;-)
I WISH I got the Golden Fiddle. All I got was a used copy of "The Charlie Daniels Band Greatest Hits" CD and an Yngwie Malmsteen guitar pick.
Better than a stick in the eye and a kick in the pants!

This forum needs a whisper option!

justJason said:
I WISH I got the Golden Fiddle. All I got was a used copy of "The Charlie Daniels Band Greatest Hits" CD and an Yngwie Malmsteen guitar pick.
so lets say you're looking to upgrade/ convert your singlespeed into a fixie. where can you look to for help?


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