You blew the red light east bound on Lawrence at Damen at 5:26 pm this evening.


There was enough time for the biker in front of me to make it half way into the intersection, northbound on Damen, before you came whizzing past my front wheel.


I yelled "You're an idiot!" at your big haired chick, self, and you looked back at me. I meant it!


I woulda testified for any of the cars, that managed to not kill you, if they had.


Keep riding like a tard!




Witness bad behavior during your commute? Feel free to post. Maybe that lovely human can read it and think they are famous. Maybe you can also inspire the whole generation of kids to shower but we can start with small things.

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To the cellphone-wielding idiot turning right from SB Milwaukee onto Kinzie: You ignored the light, you ignored the painted lines on the road, you ignored me on your right. When you injure or kill someone, it won't be an accident. It'll be a natural consequence of your selfish, idiotic behavior. 

To the 2 cabs that managed to block the traffic lane and the bike lane at the same time right as I was coming up behind you: I can't wait for Uber and Lyft to drive you out of business.

Missed connections! Yes let's get that ball rolling again! I've been sitting on a few for the past couple weeks so here goes. 

Riding north on Elston just past Logan and you tried passing me on the right in the door zone while on your aero bars. I think you were riding a blue Trek hybrid. As you were pulling alongside I said you were stupid to pass on the right like that. You replied you had no room on the left. You are beyond dumb! Aero bars on hybrids are silly enough but to ride them in the door zone during evening rush hour??? And you had tons of room. About 10 feet on my left side. It's called the lane where cars drive and you are allowed to ride in it to pass other riders. And if there are cars in that lane then you wait until it's clear before you pass. 

Next one is your typical hipster ... earbuds and riding a pink fixie. So here I am at the light on southbound Milwaukee and Chicago. Just as I'm pulling away you cut me off and hit my front wheel with your back wheel fairly hard. You turned around just as I called you an asshole. Rode behind you for a bit and you stopped at the light on Milwaukee/Halsted/Grand. I pulled up a few feet directly to your left. Then proceeded to stare at you. I just wanted to make that minute really uncomfortable for you. You didn't even have the balls to look at me once let alone be a grown up and apologize. 

And finally from last night. I'm heading home riding west on Grand between Orleans and Kingsbury. Taking the right lane and here you are behind me honking your horn. I turn around and you start pointing at me to move over from you big blue SUV. I pointed back at you with my middle finger extended to the sky. So you aggressively change lanes to the left and pass me close. Boy you got so far before you had to slam on your brakes. I blew you a kiss as I rode by about 10 seconds later. You see traffic on Grand between the river and Halsted is usually bumper to bumper. So you're a typical jackass that's in a hurry going nowhere. I was probably halfway home before you even got to the light. And finally it's just because of drivers like you that I have to take the lane there. I'm not going to let you bully me off the street and if I didn't take the lane then you would've passed me close. Which you did anyway. I'll bet any money that you're exactly the type of person that complains bikers think they own the road even though you wanted me off it! 

There's nothing bad to vent about at the moment.  I rode in down State from North to Jackson and it was very nice this morning.  After crossing the river keep to the left of the right lane so you don't have to get involved with buses stopping and cars turning right.  I haven't gotten a single honk or even a complaint for two years, now.

Business dude running THROUGH two lanes of traffic on Diversey near Clark. Because he didn't see me, he slammed right into me as I was moving.

Good Thing: He grabbed my arm to stop me from hitting the pavement. Bad Thing: He continued to grip my arm after I had steadied myself and asked him to "LET GO. OF MY F@%$ING ARM."

He then accused me of deliberately aiming for pedestrians. "No," I replied. "Just jaywalkers."

I do announce a pass, even when I move into the traffic lane and go between cars or such.  I have had too many instances where I haven't said anything, took the lane to pass a cyclist, and then had someone turn left in front without looking.  I don't bark my pass but I do say it loud enough and then give a "thanks" of sorts after.

And man did this thread derail for a few pages.....can we block users and not have to see their posts?

Tricolor said:

I generally think anyone feeling the need to announce they're passing is probably passing too closely and should just wait for a proper gap.  If more bikes could slow down from time to time when there's congestion everything would be a lot smoother and safer.

(let's derail this in a more bike-related direction)

On 8/27 on Harts Rd at Caldwell

You: older gent, hybrid with a noisy chain and derailleur.

I have never seen you before but I ride the same path every day and see many of the same cars, you blowing the light at a slow speed does nothing but make my life hell as I need to dance around angry driver's who see a cyclist blow a light. 

I yelled out, "It's a RED LIGHT!" 

You responded 1/2 through the intersection, "It is green now." (as the light went green when you were 1/2 way through)

And the proceeded to putz along at your mediocre pace of "just enough momentum to not fall over" speed, which pushed me into the traffic lane to pass you safely.  And I did not purposely look at you at the next light because I would have unleashed some not thoroughly thought out words like I can now.

If you want to ride like that, and at that slow a speed, there is a large sidewalk that is normally unused and most of the cops don't mind over there.  You may, for the safety of others, consider using it.  Otherwise learn to cue up BEHIND other riders until you know you are moving faster, shoaling just proves your d-baggedness and makes you look like you have diminished mental prowess on a bicycle.

Ride safe or take the bus.

There's plenty to "hate" in this world.  Someone trying to grant you a courtesy, whether you desire it or not, is not one of them.

Vilda said:

I Roll Stop signs unless I see traffic then i stop. I hate the wave. You get to the stop sign, stop, and the ass head in the car that has the right of way waves you on or sits there thinking you are gonna run the stop. Hate it. Red lights is a stop.

And don't forget to wear your Pampers, Mike.

Chitown_Mike said:

On 8/27 on Harts Rd at Caldwell

You: older gent, hybrid with a noisy chain and derailleur.

I have never seen you before but I ride the same path every day and see many of the same cars, you blowing the light at a slow speed does nothing but make my life hell as I need to dance around angry driver's who see a cyclist blow a light. 

I yelled out, "It's a RED LIGHT!" 

You responded 1/2 through the intersection, "It is green now." (as the light went green when you were 1/2 way through)

And the proceeded to putz along at your mediocre pace of "just enough momentum to not fall over" speed, which pushed me into the traffic lane to pass you safely.  And I did not purposely look at you at the next light because I would have unleashed some not thoroughly thought out words like I can now.

If you want to ride like that, and at that slow a speed, there is a large sidewalk that is normally unused and most of the cops don't mind over there.  You may, for the safety of others, consider using it.  Otherwise learn to cue up BEHIND other riders until you know you are moving faster, shoaling just proves your d-baggedness and makes you look like you have diminished mental prowess on a bicycle.

Ride safe or take the bus.

So glad to know there are riders like you out there. I always make an effort to thank people who give me an OYL, bell ring, or other heads up. I've been getting a lot of unannounced close passes lately, including a 20-something female on Broadway last night who cut so closely in front of me after passing that I had to brake to avoid hitting her.

Michael A said:

Jeff I totally agree that close passes are dangerous at the worst, and rude at the very least. I prefer to give as wide a berth as possible and just go on with my bike ride. If I am passing someone who is just barely going slower then the rate I am traveling , I will say something like" I am coming up on your left " or I am passing on your left"  It is the people who yell out ON YOUR LEFT when there is clearly no where for them to pass unless that person moves over to the right that bug me. Yelling ON YOUR LEFT like that is like a car blowing their horn and expecting you to give up the lane and ride in the gutter until they pass.

Is that what they mean by "pampered cyclist"?  ;-)


curt(is) locke said:

And don't forget to wear your Pampers, Mike.

How about: "There's enough hate in this world; try not to contribute (or provoke) more."


h' 1.0 said:

Trying to make this work.... try:

There are plenty of things to "hate" in this world.  Someone trying to grant you a courtesy, whether you desire it or not, is not one of them.

 Why the need to edit the text?  Isn't the spirit of my text clear?  Bored on another lazy August day?? 

h' 1.0 said:

Trying to make this work.... try:

There are plenty of things to "hate" in this world.  Someone trying to grant you a courtesy, whether you desire it or not, is not one of them.


There's plenty to "hate" in this world.  Someone trying to grant you a courtesy, whether you desire it or not, is not among that "plenty."


Not really happy with either one-- can anyone help?
curt(is) locke said:

There's plenty to "hate" in this world.  Someone trying to grant you a courtesy, whether you desire it or not, is not one of them.

Vilda said:

I Roll Stop signs unless I see traffic then i stop. I hate the wave. You get to the stop sign, stop, and the ass head in the car that has the right of way waves you on or sits there thinking you are gonna run the stop. Hate it. Red lights is a stop.


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