You blew the red light east bound on Lawrence at Damen at 5:26 pm this evening.


There was enough time for the biker in front of me to make it half way into the intersection, northbound on Damen, before you came whizzing past my front wheel.


I yelled "You're an idiot!" at your big haired chick, self, and you looked back at me. I meant it!


I woulda testified for any of the cars, that managed to not kill you, if they had.


Keep riding like a tard!




Witness bad behavior during your commute? Feel free to post. Maybe that lovely human can read it and think they are famous. Maybe you can also inspire the whole generation of kids to shower but we can start with small things.

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Thanks for making me have to turn of email notifications 

Where is the threat of sexual violence?  That is a pretty strong accusation and I would like to see some proof of it.

Michelle said:

Maybe they've noticed the lack of people posting threats of sexual violence towards women who are trying to address the use of hate speech on this website.

Fuck. I'm so glad I removed myself from this community.

Simon Phearson said:

I'm sure no one's really noticed, so it's a good thing you've weighed in to let us know.

Michelle said:

Oh don't bother worrying about it. I still follow emails here but I don't post anymore because I don't post where people are not welcome regardless of ability. I guess I'm done with Chainlink.

rwein5 said:

Retarded? Really? Are hoping to re-stoke the ultimate flame war of 2014?

I was sent a comic of Iron man that said that I needed some strong dick. Go find the thread that got shut down if you'd like. I was also just doxed by Vilda if you haven't caught up. 

notoriousDUG said:

Where is the threat of sexual violence?  That is a pretty strong accusation and I would like to see some proof of it.

Michelle said:

Maybe they've noticed the lack of people posting threats of sexual violence towards women who are trying to address the use of hate speech on this website.

Fuck. I'm so glad I removed myself from this community.

Simon Phearson said:

I'm sure no one's really noticed, so it's a good thing you've weighed in to let us know.

Michelle said:

Oh don't bother worrying about it. I still follow emails here but I don't post anymore because I don't post where people are not welcome regardless of ability. I guess I'm done with Chainlink.

rwein5 said:

Retarded? Really? Are hoping to re-stoke the ultimate flame war of 2014?

The burden of proof on this is on you because you are obviously the crazy person and bully here so I would like you to take a moment and SHOW me where the threat was and what it was.

I am also going to continue the derailment here to speak directly and earnestly to you for a second because somebody needs directly tell you this:


I'm not judging you, but I am calling you out here.  

Regardless of wrong or right on this one you have escalated this to the point of sheer insanity.

If what you see here bothers you so much follow through with what you said you were going to do earlier AND JUST LEAVE.  Nobody is really interested in your crusade here because when it comes down to it Gabe is an asshole and never going to change, we all know that.  Regardless of how wrong you think his behavior is it is well within his rights to be an asshole; just like you are free to be an asshole by shitting on EVERYBODY ELSE'S experience here by continuing your crusade against him. 

Gabe is being a shit in your cut right now but your response to that is to be a shit in a whole bunch of peoples cuts; is it worth it to make a bunch of people less happy because you don't like the way one asshole acts?

Michelle Milham said:

I was sent a comic of Iron man that said that I needed some strong dick. Go find the thread that got shut down if you'd like. I was also just doxed by Vilda if you haven't caught up. 

notoriousDUG said:

Where is the threat of sexual violence?  That is a pretty strong accusation and I would like to see some proof of it.

Michelle said:

Maybe they've noticed the lack of people posting threats of sexual violence towards women who are trying to address the use of hate speech on this website.

Fuck. I'm so glad I removed myself from this community.

Simon Phearson said:

I'm sure no one's really noticed, so it's a good thing you've weighed in to let us know.

Michelle said:

Oh don't bother worrying about it. I still follow emails here but I don't post anymore because I don't post where people are not welcome regardless of ability. I guess I'm done with Chainlink.

rwein5 said:

Retarded? Really? Are hoping to re-stoke the ultimate flame war of 2014?

No. The burden of proof that I was sexually harassed is not on me. And besides - Simon confirmed it's existence, though he argues that I should take it in the 1950's sense of the meaning of the word dick. You can use your eyeballs. 

And yes it's worth it. Because sitting around letting people act like this has (clearly) never gotten anything done for humanity. What's next? Is the n word ok too? It's really been the word du jour this month so I'm shocked it hasn't popped up here yet. 

Direct question:

Is what you are doing here making the world better overall or is it just making a bunch of peoples lives less enjoyable?

Gabe is an idiot, what he said was not appropriate, you don't like it or approve of it.  

WE ALL KNOW THAT AT THIS POINT but does you harassing us all about it accomplish anything?

No, no it does not.  

In fact, it validates the tiny attention starved child that live inside of Gabe and makes him act like this; the attention and conflict you are giving him IS MAKING HIM DO WHAT YOU HATE MORE!  At this point your behavior is making him say the word retard now which is behavior which borders on being, well, you know...

And to answer your question on the 'n-word' I am not OK with it's use but if somebody chooses to say it I simply judge them an idiot and move on because arguing it is not OK to use that word with somebody ignorant enough to think it is OK is going to get me NOWHERE, same as arguing with Gabe is going to get you nowhere. 

Michelle Milham said:

No. The burden of proof that I was sexually harassed is not on me. And besides - Simon confirmed it's existence, though he argues that I should take it in the 1950's sense of the meaning of the word dick. You can use your eyeballs. 

And yes it's worth it. Because sitting around letting people act like this has (clearly) never gotten anything done for humanity. What's next? Is the n word ok too? It's really been the word du jour this month so I'm shocked it hasn't popped up here yet. 

Can we get back to the actual topic, please?

I'm sure that someone had a near miss in traffic that they need to vent about.  

I didn't, and don't, think you should interpret it through the putative "1950's sense of the meaning of the word dick." But on further reflection, I do think that I was inattentive to the way that the cartoon might be read by a woman, which may be different than the way a man reads it.

The implicit innuendo of the cartoon didn't strike me as problematic because the speech in question was between two males. Men (well, teenaged boys) say that sort of thing to one another all the time, and the humor of posting the image here was likely aimed at that sensibility. In those contexts it's never intended as a threat of actual sexual violence and is barely "sexual" at all. It's just a way that teenaged boys might rib one another, using sexualized rhetoric. It's a practice that is problematic for all kinds of reasons, but it's not generally in the realm of "harassment" or "threats" among males.

But I realize that women don't grow up with that experience and may read the cartoon in a very different kind of way - i.e., the way you in fact seem to have read it, as a variation on the, "She just needs to get laid" trope. So, I think my life experience blinded me to seeing your point of view, which I think is reasonable, and I apologize for that. I should have recognized that aspect of the cartoon and said something about it (had I the opportunity).

Michelle Milham said:

No. The burden of proof that I was sexually harassed is not on me. And besides - Simon confirmed it's existence, though he argues that I should take it in the 1950's sense of the meaning of the word dick. You can use your eyeballs. 

And yes it's worth it. Because sitting around letting people act like this has (clearly) never gotten anything done for humanity. What's next? Is the n word ok too? It's really been the word du jour this month so I'm shocked it hasn't popped up here yet. 

To the Audi SUV who couldnotwaitonesecond to get into Costco this morning - I'm sorta amazed that after you took your hand off your horn, you were able to reverse, maneuver around 3 bikes (stopped perfectly aligned with the sharrows), to cut off another car in the traffic lane, and make a right turn around the lot of us. Met 2 other lovely cyclists this morning as we all shook our heads and commented that if you'd have waited 4 more seconds, we'd have the green and your turn would be clear.

TL;DR - bully in SUV doesn't get her way, does something rude to everyone else around her. (And the irony of this same kind of thing happening via comments in the very thread where people post such things - the irony is not lost.)

Please let's keep this thread on topic. I like having it around.

Nothing to report about bad behavior by car drivers recently... but, like the weather in Chicago, all that's necessary is to wait. ;-)

However, lots of cyclists not acting like traffic:

-the guy who blew past me on my left today without a sound and within about a foot; luckily I saw ya coming and stuck my line. Unlike some here, I appreciate a little "OYL", which I do *not* interpret as "GTF out of my way". BTW, this was on the Jackson bike lane, so you passed between me and the parked cars.

-several Divvy riders ignoring traffic controls and cross-traffic. Does paying $75 a year put you above the law?

-the guy salmoning on the Jackson bike lane. I realize you may have come from another part of the world, but drivers may make snap judgements about you and then apply them to other cyclists. And when I remark "Wrong way, Pal" that is not the same as "Fuck You!" (and it's not hate speech, either!), so relax and learn the rules.


Heh... Julia, I only recently learned what TL;DR means (being an older sort). Your post was in no way TL, though your summary was onthe mark. ^_^

Jeff I totally agree that close passes are dangerous at the worst, and rude at the very least. I prefer to give as wide a berth as possible and just go on with my bike ride. If I am passing someone who is just barely going slower then the rate I am traveling , I will say something like" I am coming up on your left " or I am passing on your left"  It is the people who yell out ON YOUR LEFT when there is clearly no where for them to pass unless that person moves over to the right that bug me. Yelling ON YOUR LEFT like that is like a car blowing their horn and expecting you to give up the lane and ride in the gutter until they pass.

Jeff Schneider said:

While riding in traffic, it is sometimes not possible to stick (because of potholes, pedestrians, doors, glass, etc.).  That's why being passed closely (especially on the right, but even on the left) is so infuriating - and possibly dangerous.

Michael A said:

In racing, especially track we use the word "stick" it basically means hold your line, I am passing on your left (sometimes on the right) and please do not do anything stupid until I am clear of your wheel. I wish this would be more common with commuting cyclists and runners.  I seldom use OYL because way too often the person you will be passing will look over their left shoulder and veer left to see what or who just said  that. Also I believe OYL is too often taken as "get the hell outta my way" 

I don't think Divvy riders are ignoring the law,seems like most are unaware. I stopped at a sign on Clark as there was traffic waiting and the driver going opposite me was making a left so I stopped a "crazy fixie rider" swerved around another hit his brakes hard to avoid rear ending me! I'm all for rolling through when no traffic is present but c'mon people!


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