You blew the red light east bound on Lawrence at Damen at 5:26 pm this evening.


There was enough time for the biker in front of me to make it half way into the intersection, northbound on Damen, before you came whizzing past my front wheel.


I yelled "You're an idiot!" at your big haired chick, self, and you looked back at me. I meant it!


I woulda testified for any of the cars, that managed to not kill you, if they had.


Keep riding like a tard!




Witness bad behavior during your commute? Feel free to post. Maybe that lovely human can read it and think they are famous. Maybe you can also inspire the whole generation of kids to shower but we can start with small things.

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That's a livery plated vehicle. you should be able to file a complaint with the city or look up the chauffeur's employer.

I just love when this happens. Proving that good bike riding beats reckless riding. I caught you and passed you even though you blew through 4 red lights and a couple of stop signs. I assume you work for Papa John's judging by the stereotype of what I've seen. Word of advice, you're faster if you're skilled and understand how to use your bike, not by pedaling frantically and disregarding everybody else.


That guy on a track bike stopped at a red light

Me riding down Elston at about 22 mph, white blinkie on helmet and a 500 lumin headlight on handle bars, at about 5:30am - you subcompact sliver car thinking the stop sign on N. Spaulding was a yield sign for your left turn onto Elston and then making an immediate right turn in front of me into a parking lot (I assume to avoid the light at Elston and Addison) - us missing a collision by centimeters (literally).

Generous of you to take full responsibility for all the cars in the bike lane.  That stretch of Halsted south of Grand to Chicago is always an adventure of stopped cars in the bike lane.  If I could choose a street to get a protected bike lane, Halsted would be at the top of my list.

Michael Perez said:

Completely my fault. Sorry to the guy in the pickup. Short story: Happened on saturday evening going home from Evanston. This was on Milwaukee/Halsted/Grand.


Word +1.

I snarked at a pedestrian for blithely jaywalking in my path a few weeks ago. When this lovely person caught up with me minutes later in her minivan, she used the "I have a cyclist friend who was hit by a car" as a defense for her behavior. I couldn't follow her logic AT ALL.

Cheryl said:

As an aside, I'm tired of the anti-bicyclist rants from pedestrians who know someone who know someone who got hit by a bike and was maimed. If pedestrians are so concerned about their safety, they'd do well to 1) look before crossing the street, 2) not jaywalk between large vehicles, and 3) not stand or walk in the street. 

ULOCK justice is the best form of justice. 

Chi Lowe 12.5+ mi said:

Well, that wasn't me screaming...but...

...this morning on my commute I did enjoy an interaction with a gem of a human being, who buzzed me in a red light race in his eleventy million pound SUV limo, then proceeded to roll down the window to berate me at the light because (a) "I am not a car" and (b) "He will run me over next time he sees me" and (c) "if I don't want that I should not be riding in the DAYUM street".

Like most tough guys, he didn't think about how that kind of talk might make me notice his truck was too smooth for my liking, and he raced away as fast as possible when he realized ULOCK.  Tell you what Mr. 9072LY.  I got a picture of your smooth, smooth truck on my GoPro as you raced away.  Now, so do a boatload of cyclists who ride in the DAYUM street.

What always confuses me is the people (there are a few in this video) who feel a need to sit off to the side, with their car halfway into the bike lane, for no reason. Why is this? Did no one teach them what solid white lines on a road mean? There's no room to pass, is that what they're trying to do? I don't get it, unless its just passive aggressive to bike lane users. 

Michael Perez said:

it was my fault because I could have easily gone on the opposite lane of the stationary vehicles but I chose to weave in through. I am usually very successful at it on a busy day on Michigan ave at higher speeds cutting through 25mph. This was just embarrassing specially since I'm on spd clipless system. I'm not taking responsibility but just for that vehicle whose mirror I could have taken as souvenir. I've had that happen before when I used to drive. They started the protected bike lanes on Halsted and archer, but let's hope it reaches up North by next year,
PFEggs said:

Generous of you to take full responsibility for all the cars in the bike lane.  That stretch of Halsted south of Grand to Chicago is always an adventure of stopped cars in the bike lane.  If I could choose a street to get a protected bike lane, Halsted would be at the top of my list.

Michael Perez said:

Completely my fault. Sorry to the guy in the pickup. Short story: Happened on saturday evening going home from Evanston. This was on Milwaukee/Halsted/Grand.




Michelle said:

I don't get it, unless its just passive aggressive to bike lane users. 

To the bike ninja salmon on 95th St. tonight - man, you gotta have a death wish. Never seen anyone ride salmon against 95th St. traffic, much less in full ninja mode (all dark clothing, dark bike, no reflectors) while trying to take out a pedestrian in the crosswalk. The only thing that counted as "visibility" was the white plastic shopping bags dangling from your handlebars. 


Anne Alt said:

To the bike ninja salmon on 95th St. tonight - man, you gotta have a death wish. Never seen anyone ride salmon against 95th St. traffic, much less in full ninja mode (all dark clothing, dark bike, no reflectors) while trying to take out a pedestrian in the crosswalk. The only thing that counted as "visibility" was the white plastic shopping bags dangling from your handlebars. 

To the two teenagers on mountain bikes near mile marker 0 yesterday,
When someone tells you to get in single file and not ride 2 abreast maybe next time you will not be so lucky.
I warned you of this and you still refused to act. You narrowly missed a collision with a rider that was following me (my son).  Missing a collision with him by mere inches is no excuse for your incompetence.
Next time for spite I might be the one hitting you just to drive a point home.
Your failure to move will be your own undoing. 

Yeah, trying to injure people on purpose is always the answer.

XndeX said:

To the two teenagers on mountain bikes near mile marker 0 yesterday,
When someone tells you to get in single file and not ride 2 abreast maybe next time you will not be so lucky.
I warned you of this and you still refused to act. You narrowly missed a collision with a rider that was following me (my son).  Missing a collision with him by mere inches is no excuse for your incompetence.
Next time for spite I might be the one hitting you just to drive a point home.
Your failure to move will be your own undoing. 


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