You blew the red light east bound on Lawrence at Damen at 5:26 pm this evening.


There was enough time for the biker in front of me to make it half way into the intersection, northbound on Damen, before you came whizzing past my front wheel.


I yelled "You're an idiot!" at your big haired chick, self, and you looked back at me. I meant it!


I woulda testified for any of the cars, that managed to not kill you, if they had.


Keep riding like a tard!




Witness bad behavior during your commute? Feel free to post. Maybe that lovely human can read it and think they are famous. Maybe you can also inspire the whole generation of kids to shower but we can start with small things.

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Unexpected beautiful week and a few more to come!  Get out and ride!!

Here's a missed connection.  You missed the garbage can at the corner of the block and discarded your nasty ass lollipop in my basket.  Disgusting jerk!

To the young man on the single speed with the higher key voice riding south on Lincoln this evening I have to ask, why does Divvy suck? I know the bikes may not be near as cool as your fixie but they certainly don't suck.

I'm addressing the woman in red on a bike carrying a milk crate with a sign saying: "Biking against Oil Wars". I saw you on Friday riding north across the expressway on Loomis.

While I have some sympathy for your "cause", I think your blowing through red lights, while motorists (and me on my bike) wait patiently, may not win the hearts and minds of the general public. Just saying.


Dear motorcyclist, riding in the Augusta Blvd bike lane last night: Yeah, I called you out, but "you're obviously in the wrong neighborhood" was perhaps the funniest reply possible. I was 3 blocks from home - you're obviously from Idiotville :)  

Yell back 'single speeds are *over*'

Tim S said:

To the young man on the single speed with the higher key voice riding south on Lincoln this evening I have to ask, why does Divvy suck? I know the bikes may not be near as cool as your fixie but they certainly don't suck.

I sent this into the CTA earlier today.

"While commuting home on my bicycle on Wedensday, September 25th, I had a near-miss incident with a CTA bus. The bus and myself were both travelling north over the Stevenson overpass on Damen avenue. Time was roughly 6:30 PM. Bus number 1779, Route 50. While riding in the shoulder, the buss passed to my left within less than one foot. This is unlawful and dangerous. I caught up to the bus a few stops later, north of Blue Island and asked whether or not he had seen me biking, and he simply shook his head and said 'No'.

There is no excuse for that kind of negligence. A life was threatened due to that driver not performing his job correctly, and I believe the CTA should investigate the situation further and reprimand if necessary."

When the driver stared at me with a blank look and slowly shook his head, my whole chest sank into my stomach. I wonder if he would have noticed me when he ran me over. The side mirror had almost hit my helmet. 

h', its good that you pointed out that not all interactions are negative. As a cyclist, I generally feel that my interactions with the bus drivers are positive. Although, I still cant figure out why most of them honk at me so often. 

There was some follow up from the CTA:

"Thank you for your comments.  We apologize for your negative experience.  Your information has been forwarded to the responsible General Manager for appropriate action. Safety is the CTA’s top priority, so thank you for reporting this incident.                                                    

Again, we are sorry for this incident.


h' 1.0 said:

Thanks for reporting that.  I ride various buses regularly and while there are plenty of good drivers, I have observed some horrible driver behavior towards cyclists from within the bus.


They're supposed to honk as they pass.  Usually it's just a quick three in succession.  I've never had a bus driver lean on their horn at me.  I'm sure it happens and would scare me if that happened to me.  

T.K. 8.4 mi said:

h', its good that you pointed out that not all interactions are negative. As a cyclist, I generally feel that my interactions with the bus drivers are positive. Although, I still cant figure out why most of them honk at me so often. 

There was some follow up from the CTA:

"Thank you for your comments.  We apologize for your negative experience.  Your information has been forwarded to the responsible General Manager for appropriate action. Safety is the CTA’s top priority, so thank you for reporting this incident.                                                    

Again, we are sorry for this incident.


h' 1.0 said:

Thanks for reporting that.  I ride various buses regularly and while there are plenty of good drivers, I have observed some horrible driver behavior towards cyclists from within the bus.


How do you know they are supposed to? Is that CTA policy? I haven't had one lay on the horn at me either, but I am not sure the three honks are always followed by a bus passing. If a cyclist is in traffic following the rules of the road, they should not be honked at. 

Buses need to access the curb every block or two so someone riding to the far right should be aware of bus stops and where buses (as well as other traffic) are around them.  They make a lot of distinct noises so it's easy to identify one behind you or know if it's about to move off from a stop.

Some drivers do preemptive honks to warn cars, bikes and pedestrians that may get in the way.  I doubt it's a policy.

I don't know about you, but I can always hear a bus coming, with no honking required!

Tricolor said:

Buses need to access the curb every block or two so someone riding to the far right should be aware of bus stops and where buses (as well as other traffic) are around them.  They make a lot of distinct noises so it's easy to identify one behind you or know if it's about to move off from a stop.

Some drivers do preemptive honks to warn cars, bikes and pedestrians that may get in the way.  I doubt it's a policy.


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