You blew the red light east bound on Lawrence at Damen at 5:26 pm this evening.


There was enough time for the biker in front of me to make it half way into the intersection, northbound on Damen, before you came whizzing past my front wheel.


I yelled "You're an idiot!" at your big haired chick, self, and you looked back at me. I meant it!


I woulda testified for any of the cars, that managed to not kill you, if they had.


Keep riding like a tard!




Witness bad behavior during your commute? Feel free to post. Maybe that lovely human can read it and think they are famous. Maybe you can also inspire the whole generation of kids to shower but we can start with small things.

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I got one from this morning:

Going southbound on Elston Ave. You were riding on a hybrid, with a back rack and a cargo back on it. You were pedaling inefficiently if I may say so, while I was pedaling on my hybrid at a comfortable cadence, yet still going faster than you. I wasn't racing or trying to pass, my pace just happened to be faster than yours. You however, thought it WAS a race.

Not only did you have no regard for red lights, you were constantly shoaling me. At busy red lights, where you were forced to stop, you would of course coast in front of me, take off with your overly-intense pedaling, only to have me pass you again while I was pedaling comfortably. I shamed you at one point by saying "If you blow red lights you ruin it for us all." You stopped, in embarrassment I hope, but took off when the light changed, and proceeded to blow every right light ahead, playing Frogger with your life.

Nice commuting etiquette...NOT

That seems to be a thing on Elston lately... I've started making a game with myself to count how many times I re-pass shoaling riders. Most I've got so far is 7 (which is ABSURD).

Matt Talbert said:

I got one from this morning:

Going southbound on Elston Ave. You were riding on a hybrid, with a back rack and a cargo back on it. You were pedaling inefficiently if I may say so, while I was pedaling on my hybrid at a comfortable cadence, yet still going faster than you. I wasn't racing or trying to pass, my pace just happened to be faster than yours. You however, thought it WAS a race.

Not only did you have no regard for red lights, you were constantly shoaling me. At busy red lights, where you were forced to stop, you would of course coast in front of me, take off with your overly-intense pedaling, only to have me pass you again while I was pedaling comfortably. I shamed you at one point by saying "If you blow red lights you ruin it for us all." You stopped, in embarrassment I hope, but took off when the light changed, and proceeded to blow every right light ahead, playing Frogger with your life.

Nice commuting etiquette...NOT

To the guy going south on Damen by Chicago (I think) earlier this morning. We had some great non verbal comunication after the red light. I had no intention of passing you but you signaled me on when the light turned green. I believe that you were behind me when I turned right on Fulton. I normally don't signal the right turn but our earlier exchange made me want to give you the same courtesy that you had given me earlier. People like you make me want to be a better cyclist.

If one more of you dumb motherfuckers rides the wrong way on Ravenswood Avenue near Montrose I'm going to fucking let you have it. Stop this dumb bullshit, there's a street that goes that way on the other side of the tracks. You're fucking up traffic and disregarding the lights (not to mention being a shitty salmon) so please, please, please go the right way. Fuckers

Don't hold back, Luke. Say what you really think!  ;-)

It's like there is a sort of "Wild West" attitude among a significant fraction of the cyclists on the street. I see it every day: running lights, shoaling, passing me too close without warning and riding the wrong way in a bike lane (on Jackson). This is thoughtless, inconsiderate, bad for the public image of cycling... and *dangerous*. I yearn for the day when the police will have the time and/or inclination to stop and seriously inconvenience these miscreants.


Luke Gardner said:

If one more of you dumb motherfuckers rides the wrong way on Ravenswood Avenue near Montrose I'm going to fucking let you have it. Stop this dumb bullshit, there's a street that goes that way on the other side of the tracks. You're fucking up traffic and disregarding the lights (not to mention being a shitty salmon) so please, please, please go the right way. Fuckers

I have a nice one, and I hope the person actually reads this:

First a prologue is necessary: I crashed into a car going southbound on Milwaukee Ave near Chicago on Friday around 5 PM. Car traffic was bad, so the driver decided to pull out of traffic to get into side streets. Unfortunately, the driver didn't look before going over the bike lane and plowed me down. Luckily, it was a low speed collision. I walked away with just bruises and the need for a new rim. The driver was very apologetic and felt terrible. She took responsibility and gave me her info.

Now to the person who I hope reads this: A cyclist saw the crash, and stopped to make sure I was okay. He seemed very concerned and really wanted to help out. But in the shock of getting nailed by 3 tons of steel threw off my attention. Furthermore, I was focused on assessing my possible injuries and getting the information from the driver. I thanked you for checking on me, but it was was not a good enough "thank you." Your concern for me was greatly appreciated, and I wish I was more grateful at the time.

To the woman in the pink & black jersey who noiselessly passed me within inches while I was waiting at the red light on Milwaukee at Chicago, then weaved through the other 10 or so cyclists to get to the front and proceed through the red light - are you really in that much of a hurry? If so, perhaps you should leave a bit earlier...

Going north at Wolcott and Touhy on Sunday morning, I pulled up to the stop sign, saw that no one was there before me, and proceeded into the intersection.  A white, BMW convertible was just pulling up to the stop sign on my right.  Next thing I knew, the bumper was 3 feet away from my front wheel.  Fortunately, the top was down so the driver couldn't miss my wild shrieks of "Hey! Hey! Watch it!!" as I braked suddenly.  The driver, bemused, stopped and waved me on. He couldn't seem to figure out what I was doing there.  And he wasn't even talking on a cell phone.

Glad you're okay. And don't even get me started about BMW drivers.... Grrr!!!

Lisa Gordon said:

Going north at Wolcott and Touhy on Sunday morning, I pulled up to the stop sign, saw that no one was there before me, and proceeded into the intersection.  A white, BMW convertible was just pulling up to the stop sign on my right.  Next thing I knew, the bumper was 3 feet away from my front wheel.  Fortunately, the top was down so the driver couldn't miss my wild shrieks of "Hey! Hey! Watch it!!" as I braked suddenly.  The driver, bemused, stopped and waved me on. He couldn't seem to figure out what I was doing there.  And he wasn't even talking on a cell phone.

+2  Been there more than once, and there's NO good excuse for it.

Luke Gardner said:

If one more of you dumb motherfuckers rides the wrong way on Ravenswood Avenue near Montrose I'm going to fucking let you have it. Stop this dumb bullshit, there's a street that goes that way on the other side of the tracks. You're fucking up traffic and disregarding the lights (not to mention being a shitty salmon) so please, please, please go the right way. Fuckers

Not giving an excuse but hasn't the southbound ravenswood Ave on the West side of the track been closed off for construction for a while now (Between montrose and lawerence). 

Anne Alt said:

+2  Been there more than once, and there's NO good excuse for it.

Luke Gardner said:

If one more of you dumb motherfuckers rides the wrong way on Ravenswood Avenue near Montrose I'm going to fucking let you have it. Stop this dumb bullshit, there's a street that goes that way on the other side of the tracks. You're fucking up traffic and disregarding the lights (not to mention being a shitty salmon) so please, please, please go the right way. Fuckers

You the guy in the silver helmet who rides North Ave a lot. I saw you this time blowing a red light at Damon/Milwaukee/North intersection. You were riding through with no hands, I know this is so cool, but, it's also moronic. That's not even the best thing you did! When you held out one of your hands indicating for the bike coming through legally with the green light to stop because you were going through the red, classy. I have seen you riding with a laundry bag in your lap and no hands to. I am floored by how cool you must be to have udder disregard for yourself and other bikers. One day you will not be so lucky to have people stop as you swerve in front of them. 


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