You blew the red light east bound on Lawrence at Damen at 5:26 pm this evening.


There was enough time for the biker in front of me to make it half way into the intersection, northbound on Damen, before you came whizzing past my front wheel.


I yelled "You're an idiot!" at your big haired chick, self, and you looked back at me. I meant it!


I woulda testified for any of the cars, that managed to not kill you, if they had.


Keep riding like a tard!




Witness bad behavior during your commute? Feel free to post. Maybe that lovely human can read it and think they are famous. Maybe you can also inspire the whole generation of kids to shower but we can start with small things.

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You're lucky! I had one land in my eye a few years ago. EEEeeeeeewwwwww.


Nançois 8.5 said:

To the bird whose crap landed on my leg on my ride in this morning: WTF!?!

To the (probably) Northwestern student/summer camp counselor who endured a clueless woman in a black Tesla, first blocking the middle of the street trying to turn around, then cutting you off to double park on Foster Ave in Evanston at 5:15 tonight:

I felt for you dude - I was in the Honda trying to keep as far away from you and that train wreck as possible. I saw your head was about to explode, but you kept it down to a menacing stare.

Good for you.

Safe travels.

Sometimes I think I'd like to install a paintball gun on my frame for jerks like that. But... I settle for a very loud air horn. Most car drivers don't expect a noise that loud from a bike, so they think it's another car. I;ve had some very satisfying results using it on people turning right in front of me. :-)


Michael Perez said:

To the asshole in the blue 2013 toyota camry with a douchebag haircut spiked up listening to some extremely terrible music driving southbound on halsted and cermak around 5:52 pm today, you clearly saw me on the bike lane and you decided to merge and overtake me basically almost running me into the curb. You broke some more because you wanted to be a dick and let me crash into your bumper while you took off when you made a right. You knew I was there traveling at a fast rate and you decided to turn. Why?!?!?!?! You bastard!!! I hit your bumper hard and still managed to unclip my left foot to keep balance after you did that. I used whatever retention i have to slow down my god damn bike just because you wanted to be an asshole and turn. Drive like a normal asshole and wait for me to pass the intersection. Thanks a lot, my knees hurt now.

Here is the one I use: HORN. I took some pains to mount it close to my left handlebar grip so my thumb can reach it quickly. It's kept pumped up to 80 PSI. It's louder than shit. I don't use it often, but it works pretty well when it's needed.

SteveI've since relocated the air reservoir to below the top tube, attached with a "TwoFish" velcro bottle holder.

Michael Perez said:

I must try the air horn design, very good concept at work. I'll install it this weekend on my fixie because I'm tired of being cut off lol. That will show them haha.

To the police office writing up a ticket for the taxi parked in the Kinzie bike lane at Orleans this morning - thanks!!! Good to see some enforcement.

Was the traffic lights blinking red at this time?

Jeff Schneider said:

To the guy who failed to yield to me when it was my turn to pass through the 4-way stop at Wolcott and Montrose...Although you drove into the intersection without looking around well enough, you were not reckless or speeding.  Neither was I.  So when I yelled, "Look up!, you saw me, and said you were sorry.  No problem, I make mistakes, too.  That's why we have to be careful out there.

To the dude on the purple and black fixie without a helmet on Kinzie last night. Thanks for cutting me off (when I was going faster than I just passed you with the courtesy of an "On your left" well in advance) and forcing me behind a slower rider just east of the bridge, then telling me if I hit you (as I ended up going much slower), you'd punch me in the face.

You can't punch people if you're lying on the ground from a crash. Falling hurts.

Also, I'm sincerely sorry to anyone if I've ever cut you off or got a little too close to you (I ride Elston from Pulaski to the Loop everyday - white bianchi, blue helmet). I don't mean to, and I do try to say "O.Y.L." enough in advance that you have time to actually move over. I am a fast commuter and have to remind myself from time to time that not everybody does this everyday and some people are only out for the "nice" months of the year.


Cheryl said:

To the police office writing up a ticket for the taxi parked in the Kinzie bike lane at Orleans this morning - thanks!!! Good to see some enforcement.

Yesterday: to the pedestrian crossing mid-block on Dearborn, emerging from between giant parked SUVs into the protected bike lane, you should be glad that I was watching and saw you approaching before you ducked between the cars.  If I had hit you, one or both of us could have ended up in the ER.  My teachable moment to him: "This is a traffic lane. Please be careful and look first."

To the old lady riding a road bike on the sidewalk on Madison by Target, with your helmet hanging from the handlebars - please don't hit any pedestrians.  And you're old enough to know better.  Please be a better cyclist and stay safe.

Yes! Now if there could also be some appropriate enforcement of the rules applying to cyclists, we'd start making some progress.


Anne Alt said:


Cheryl said:

To the police office writing up a ticket for the taxi parked in the Kinzie bike lane at Orleans this morning - thanks!!! Good to see some enforcement.

Well said. He might actually benefit from your calm handling of the event.


Anne Alt said:

Yesterday: to the pedestrian crossing mid-block on Dearborn, emerging from between giant parked SUVs into the protected bike lane, you should be glad that I was watching and saw you approaching before you ducked between the cars.  If I had hit you, one or both of us could have ended up in the ER.  My teachable moment to him: "This is a traffic lane. Please be careful and look first."


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