The Chainlink

You blew the red light east bound on Lawrence at Damen at 5:26 pm this evening.


There was enough time for the biker in front of me to make it half way into the intersection, northbound on Damen, before you came whizzing past my front wheel.


I yelled "You're an idiot!" at your big haired chick, self, and you looked back at me. I meant it!


I woulda testified for any of the cars, that managed to not kill you, if they had.


Keep riding like a tard!




Witness bad behavior during your commute? Feel free to post. Maybe that lovely human can read it and think they are famous. Maybe you can also inspire the whole generation of kids to shower but we can start with small things.

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I was going to post a separate missed connection -  but then I saw this thread.

To the guy on a Jamis road bike with no helmet yesterday in Lakeview, who darted out perpendicular to the parked cars to make a wide right turn, cutting me off... I yelled "Heads up!" that loudly because you didn't look, didn't see me coming, and cut directly in front of me, forcing me to veer and hit my brakes, and I came within a few inches of you.  It was pretty obnoxious of you to then yell "Well, go around me! You have the whole street!" when I slowed down to compose myself.  Don't be insulted that I yelled at you.  It's not that I don't like you, it's that you ride like an idiot.

This is how you -should- lock.

Tim S said:

To the two individuals last night at a known bike bar in North Center learn how to lock your bikes without taking up more spots than necessary. Locking long way across the bike rack on both sides prevents others from using the rack... kind of a jerk move.

We can call 311 to report cabs with that number, correct? Does anyone have any experience with that?

Chi Lowe 12.5+ mi said:

To the driver of cab #3167: I'm the guy who was taking the lane so I could turn left on Huron on the way to work.  It was not acceptable for you to break the speed limit so you could run the red light on Lasalle at Erie.  Yelling 'f@%k you' out the window after you nearly hit me was equally unacceptable.  I was following the law.  You were breaking it, and you could have easily killed me with your 6,000 lb SUV. 

Hey dude on the white Fuji.  We're cut of the same cloth.  We're competitive, even when the Milwaukee bike lane isn't a race.   When I saw you up ahead riding fast but not fast enough, and I gave chase.  When you noticed me catching up you pumped up the jams. 

Son, you've got a fast bike and you're a strong racer but do you know how I caught up to you?  You coast too much.  Dude, just keep spinning.  I was on a single speed with the gearing a little too low, but you were mashing a big gear for about ten revs then coasted it.  Follow my advice and you'll be faster and you'll never have to worry about me passing you again.

That's funny and true at the same time.

Juan Primo said:

Hey dude on the white Fuji.  We're cut of the same cloth.  We're competitive, even when the Milwaukee bike lane isn't a race.   When I saw you up ahead riding fast but not fast enough, and I gave chase.  When you noticed me catching up you pumped up the jams. 

Son, you've got a fast bike and you're a strong racer but do you know how I caught up to you?  You coast too much.  Dude, just keep spinning.  I was on a single speed with the gearing a little too low, but you were mashing a big gear for about ten revs then coasted it.  Follow my advice and you'll be faster and you'll never have to worry about me passing you again.

Dear sir who plowed into me at Paulina and Milwaukee this evening, while a curve might seem to you the best place to pass someone, it's really not. As I nurse my road rash, I wanted to thank you for stopping to reprimand me for not signaling that I was taking the lane after the curve, because a car looked like it was going to pull out and hit me. I understand you had places to go and people to see, but lets slow it down a notch out there, not ride someone's butt, and at least say "on your left" if you're going to pull a move like that. But it would probably be best if you just didn't pass people going around a curve.

i hope you took him down with you?

Brian said:

Dear sir who plowed into me at Paulina and Milwaukee this evening, while a curve might seem to you the best place to pass someone, it's really not. As I nurse my road rash, I wanted to thank you for stopping to reprimand me for not signaling that I was taking the lane after the curve, because a car looked like it was going to pull out and hit me. I understand you had places to go and people to see, but lets slow it down a notch out there, not ride someone's butt, and at least say "on your left" if you're going to pull a move like that. But it would probably be best if you just didn't pass people going around a curve.
I don't wish him ill will. He remained standing. Just knocked me down and was able to keep rolling. And brother am I sore right now. I'm not a very good faller apparently. Got my elbow, knee and hip but good!

To the woman in the GMC Terrain who accelerated through a stop sign at ~20mph on the wrong (my!) side of the road because she just had to pass that cyclist right now - cogela suave, mija, you're not going to get to work any sooner.

And to the douchenozzle in the SLS AMG convertible who bellowed* up Elston approaching Cortland, crossed the yellow line and did a three-point turn at an intersection in rush-hour traffic - it's people like you that make nice cars look bad.

*God, does that engine ever sound wonderful!

To the cyclist in the plaid shirt with the black messenger bag east bound on Hubbard this morning who went through a stop sign without even slowing down and directly in front of a SUV that was already through the middle of the intersection, you are an awfully lucky fellow!

My job has moved me and I spend most of my commute in a cage these day (not enjoying it).

To the young man on the fixie who decided to run the red on Ashland at the corner with Fullerton/Clyborn...yes, you made it through the intersection, this time. Several others almost didn't.

And to the young woman on Diversey/Ashland who decided to go on the red light when I had the turn light, at least you're wearing a helmet if you're going to keep biking like that. I'm not going to be the jerk in the car, but trust me, many people don't care and would rather make their light.

To the idiot woman running against traffic in the Armitage bike lane who told me to "Fuck off" when I said "Get out of the bike lane"......still thinking of a good insult to hurl back at you. 


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