The Chainlink

You blew the red light east bound on Lawrence at Damen at 5:26 pm this evening.


There was enough time for the biker in front of me to make it half way into the intersection, northbound on Damen, before you came whizzing past my front wheel.


I yelled "You're an idiot!" at your big haired chick, self, and you looked back at me. I meant it!


I woulda testified for any of the cars, that managed to not kill you, if they had.


Keep riding like a tard!




Witness bad behavior during your commute? Feel free to post. Maybe that lovely human can read it and think they are famous. Maybe you can also inspire the whole generation of kids to shower but we can start with small things.

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Nicely written piece!

Don said:

To the driver of the southbound Milwaukee bus who was stopped at Grand about 8:30 this Chrome messenger bag distributes weight on my back so perfectly but one of its drawbacks is that it protrudes out a bit from my back on both sides, especially when I'm bent over on my bike.  So when I was riding in tight quarters between a line of cars on the left and your bus in the right lane, I totally didn't intend for my messenger bag to whack your side mirror.  You said "nice job" as you stuck your head out the window and adjusted your mirror and I apologized.  But then when we got to Kinzie, you gave me a friendly honk signaling me to go over into the left turn lane and I waved back in gratitude.  That was really cool.  We're all good now right?

And to the cabbie who decided to run over a pedestrian and smash into a bunch of things at Chicago/Milwaukee this morning, fuck you.

There I was, minding my own business passing a fellow cyclist on the path North of Belmont this morning.  The next thing I know there is a Chicago Police SUV pushing 30+ mph on the path headed right toward me.  No lights, sirens or horn.  I cut to the right a little, sorry to the cyclist next to me if I swerved close to you, to avoid a head on collision.  The other cyclists near me were all in shock and kind of looked at each other to confirm we just witnessed this.  Maybe I was groggy or tired this morning and have over estimated his speed.  Nah, I was pretty lucid, he was hauling tail.

To the white van on Milwaukee approaching Kinzie, who saw me check traffic and hung back to let me cross the lane to the left bike lane: you are awesome and I wish more drivers followed your example. 

To the idiots walking down the middle of the Kinzie bike lane at Wells, who refused to move to the side to allow bikes past: I sincerely hope you don't bitch about bikes being on the road when you are driving.

To the male cyclist in business attire who right hooked me at Kinzie and Wells this morning: uncool. Next time, instead of swinging out to the left & into the lane to turn right in front of other cyclists, try slowing down, staying to the right side of the lane, and then turning right. That corner is bad enough with cars trying to turn right; we don't need our fellow cyclists trying to take us out, too.


Chris Hainey said:

Nicely written piece!

Don said:

To the driver of the southbound Milwaukee bus who was stopped at Grand about 8:30 this Chrome messenger bag distributes weight on my back so perfectly but one of its drawbacks is that it protrudes out a bit from my back on both sides, especially when I'm bent over on my bike.  So when I was riding in tight quarters between a line of cars on the left and your bus in the right lane, I totally didn't intend for my messenger bag to whack your side mirror.  You said "nice job" as you stuck your head out the window and adjusted your mirror and I apologized.  But then when we got to Kinzie, you gave me a friendly honk signaling me to go over into the left turn lane and I waved back in gratitude.  That was really cool.  We're all good now right?

And to the cabbie who decided to run over a pedestrian and smash into a bunch of things at Chicago/Milwaukee this morning, fuck you.

I saw a cop at State crossing Elm this morning roll their Tahoe through a red light with traffic all around watching.  Not very uncommon, sadly.

Buses on State are actually pretty nice if you know to give them enough berth to get to their stops.

Me: Riding southbound on York in Oak Brook between 22nd and 31st after 9 PM last night.

You: Riding northbound on the southbound side of the street.

Dude, this is now the second time in two weeks you have done this to me. We could recover from our injuries if we run into each other. But, you will die if you get hit head-on by one of the infamous Oak Brook Range Rovers that do 50 MPH on that stretch of road.

830 am SE on Clybourn at Wolcott. You blasted a red light with out so much as a slow down and barely missed getting creamed by an SUV that has a turn arrow. You're a standard issue male-douche on a 10speed or fixie. You are easily replaceable. Please continue riding as you do until Darwin corrects.

this was a made connection.  to the guy who twice jumped in front of the three faster riders who were stopped at red and subsequently had to pass you again a s-bound halsted.  despite your smirk, thanks for not doing it a third time after i pointed out to you what you were doing to us.

Wednesday were the guy riding a black road bike that blasted through the red light at Grand and Wells while screaming obscenities at the girl in the honda civic that had already pulled halfway into the intersection on a green. I was the runner standing on the corner waiting to cross the street. You, my friend, are an ass of incalculable proportions.

And there's everyone in this video:

Cool skills guys and girls. 

To the cop barreling down the LFP just south of the Edgewater roundabout this morning around 9 AM - holy sheets, dude. You were definitely going over 20 mph, and did not move although you seemed to notice I was riding directly towards you, north, in the right lane of the path. We played the "which way is who going" game for a few scary seconds and you did not slow down or move out of my way. I rolled off to the right, pointing to show you I was moving away from your unnecessarily giant car, and you flew past me, no eye contact, nothing. (to the cyclist behind the cop car who acknowledged my frustration - thank you) I am not an advocate of U-lock justice, but I considered chasing you down and having a friendly conversation... especially after one of your buddies almost mowed me down by 71st last week, driving North on South Shore Drive (I think that's the street) ONTO the trail with no turn signal. While staring at an oncoming cyclist - me. Who does one call in these situations? The police? Ha! 

I thought about making this a thread when I got home. Has anyone else had similar issues with cars, specifically police SUVs, on the Path? I need a new place to ride. Yeargh.

In addition, some lovely reptilian Desperate Housewives in Beamers drove ONTO the path to roll down their windows and talk at the two-way stop by Belmont Harbor... 

I respect the trail to the extent that I won't try to sprint through a congested area or get all indignant, but cars on the trail are dangerous. I expect "stupid" on the LFP, but usually it's in a smaller, less threatening package. 


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