You blew the red light east bound on Lawrence at Damen at 5:26 pm this evening.


There was enough time for the biker in front of me to make it half way into the intersection, northbound on Damen, before you came whizzing past my front wheel.


I yelled "You're an idiot!" at your big haired chick, self, and you looked back at me. I meant it!


I woulda testified for any of the cars, that managed to not kill you, if they had.


Keep riding like a tard!




Witness bad behavior during your commute? Feel free to post. Maybe that lovely human can read it and think they are famous. Maybe you can also inspire the whole generation of kids to shower but we can start with small things.

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Also in the Municipal Code of Chicago (MCC 09-40-060) here: Driving, Standing or Parking on Bike Lane


Westbound on the Kinzie protected bike lane this morning, I passed a parking ticket officer who was also biking. That was a pleasant surprise. 

A few weeks ago I saw the same thing. It's a lazy street: Polk between east and west campus of UIC. I turned around and went to say Hi.  I said with a smile, "I wish you were ticketing a car in the bike lane." and he replied that he does when he gets the chance.  If only they got  the chance more frequently. Like, 24/7.

Last week I saw this too! Only when I saw the parking enforcement officer it was seconds after I spotted a car parked in the bike lane for the third consecutive day. Heh...

I pointed this out to the officer and as I passed him farther down the block he was writing the car a ticket. I haven't seen that car since!



Revenue has a fairly good-sized fleet of bicycles for ticket agents, and it's getting bigger. They are also aware of the "what's this doing in the bike lane?" thread.

That's good to hear. Hopefully they act upon the information.

May I ask how you know , particularly the part about the thread?

To the cyclist on Milwaukee yesterday evening playing...I don't even know how to describe it..."light techno"?...I would like to say: thank you. I loved hearing that music--made me feel like I was cycling in a video game. :)

This dude screamed "BEHIND! BEHIND!" at me at a red light and was clearly pissed that I didn't move over (into another cyclist) from where I was stopping to let him blow the light. He obviously has anger issues and is a misogynist as well. At the next light I pointed out to him that had he rear-ended me, it would have been his fault, and he not only screamed at me he also told me to "go back to the kitchen and do dishes."

Pretty sure I've encountered this jerk before and that he thinks screaming "BEHIND" or "LEFT" at other cyclists obligates you to move out of his way, even if it's into a door zone or another cyclist.

I just ignore those types. I enjoy seeing them work themselves up into a lather.


That's probably the best course of action.

I probably would've mustered my most patronizing tone to say:

"That's right. You're BEHIND me at this red light. Very observant!"

To the 3 Divvy shitheads I met on my commute yesterday:


1. You were stopped at a red light in the middle of the Dearborn lanes and also in the middle of the crosswalk for some reason. I pulled up to the stop line all the way to the right (as usual) and said, "Good morning." You stared at me but didn't say anything in response. When the light turned green, you immediately turned directly into my path for no apparent reason. I now realize that you wanted to prevent me from passing you, which was nonetheless inevitable with zero effort. You hauled ass to catch me as I glided to the next red light but, after it turned green, I never saw you again. Did you not have a good morning?


2. You shoaled me at a red light on Clinton, but never actually stopped. Instead, you weaved back and forth through a crowded crosswalk. When the light turned green, you were directly in front of me but perpendicular to the lane, blocking everybody who was facing the correct direction. Great job keeping your momentum and timing the light so perfectly!


3. You saw me crossing the intersection with a full head of steam and thought, "This is the perfect time to enter the bike lane!" Since this was a non-buffered lane in full rush hour traffic, it was impossible to simply go around you, so I was forced to slam on the breaks to avoid a certain collision and possibly death. For the next block, you alternated between pedaling furiously for 4 seconds and resting for 4 seconds, achieving speeds in excess of 5 MPH! I can see why you felt that you could seamlessly merge with bike lane traffic from a dead stop.


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