You blew the red light east bound on Lawrence at Damen at 5:26 pm this evening.


There was enough time for the biker in front of me to make it half way into the intersection, northbound on Damen, before you came whizzing past my front wheel.


I yelled "You're an idiot!" at your big haired chick, self, and you looked back at me. I meant it!


I woulda testified for any of the cars, that managed to not kill you, if they had.


Keep riding like a tard!




Witness bad behavior during your commute? Feel free to post. Maybe that lovely human can read it and think they are famous. Maybe you can also inspire the whole generation of kids to shower but we can start with small things.

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Speaking of red lights and running them. I'd like to thank the a-hole Mercedes driver turning onto Kingsbury for stopping at the red light, looking both ways,looking at me then turning left on a red light. I barely had enough time to hit the brakes and give you the finger.

To the guy that ran through a stop sign on Huron and Kingsbury...If you want to ride without a helmet and run a stop sign that I was going through then fine do it, get hit, get ran over, trade your 2 wheels in for 4 wheels its your own moronic life....but what made me so mother-bleeping mad was that you did that WITH YOUR KID RIDING IN THE BACK!!!!  WTF I can only hope that this was a one time thing and it scared the shit out of you and it doesn't happen again.  

My missed connection for today is hilarious. Some douche-turd tried lecturing me about my taking the lane to pass another biker approaching Damen on northbound Elston this evening. Said it pisses drivers off and that makes it bad for all of us. I pointed out that I can legally take the lane and that it just made the driver take a few seconds longer to get to the red light. His suggestion was that I call out my pass so that the biker in front moves over and everyone is safe. Well that's incorrect. The rider moving over is now in the door zone. Also, calling your pass is notifying another rider you're passing ... not a command to get out of my way. 

Ah but the funny part comes a few blocks later. First you split the cars waiting for the light at Western. Drivers hate that ya know. Then you ran the red at California. Drivers hate that too. So when I called you out for that and another driver said I'm on your side he shouldn't run red lights I about fell off my bike laughing. 

So you're a douche-turd and a hypocrite. I'd say it's smug self-righteous cyclists such as yourself that make people hate us. Judging by your tone of superiority I'd be willing to bet you're on here. So stick your lecture where the sun don't shine. I'm on Elston every day so I'm sure I'll see you around. Cheers! 

So, the stretch by the used exercise equipment store & junkyard?

I'd love a description; we've been 'lectured' by other cyclists on Elston about our passing technique - just after being shoaled by said cyclist. Amazing.

Rich S said:

My missed connection for today is hilarious. Some douche-turd tried lecturing me about my taking the lane to pass another biker approaching Damen on northbound Elston this evening. Said it pisses drivers off and that makes it bad for all of us. I pointed out that I can legally take the lane and that it just made the driver take a few seconds longer to get to the red light. His suggestion was that I call out my pass so that the biker in front moves over and everyone is safe. Well that's incorrect. The rider moving over is now in the door zone. Also, calling your pass is notifying another rider you're passing ... not a command to get out of my way. 

Ah but the funny part comes a few blocks later. First you split the cars waiting for the light at Western. Drivers hate that ya know. Then you ran the red at California. Drivers hate that too. So when I called you out for that and another driver said I'm on your side he shouldn't run red lights I about fell off my bike laughing. 

So you're a douche-turd and a hypocrite. I'd say it's smug self-righteous cyclists such as yourself that make people hate us. Judging by your tone of superiority I'd be willing to bet you're on here. So stick your lecture where the sun don't shine. I'm on Elston every day so I'm sure I'll see you around. Cheers! 

When I get criticized by a driver (it would work for a rider as well) for violating what they think is the law, I will say (if time and circumstances permit) "Are you ignorant of the law, or do you just not understand it? Would you like me to explain it to you?" This rarely leads to a productive conversation, but I always hope it gives them something to think about.


This thread is the worst. 


KevinM said:

This thread is the worst. 

I think so. It was before you get to the strip mall with the Dunkin Donuts. I wasn't paying too much attention to him but he was riding a road bike. 

Tandemonium said:

So, the stretch by the used exercise equipment store & junkyard?

I'd love a description; we've been 'lectured' by other cyclists on Elston about our passing technique - just after being shoaled by said cyclist. Amazing.

Interesting morning. To most of the cars on Fullerton, between Clybourn and Racine this morning - you guys are rockstars. That traffic was backed up like crazy, and most of you were so incredibly patient.

To the handful that weren't, that chose to cut around everyone via the bike lane - can you please just check your mirrors before you pull that nonsense? It's not like getting 3 cars ahead is going to save you any time.

I got a little fed up and finally just dismounted and stood with my bike in the lane. I was easily spottable by cyclists approaching from up the block (many of whom were trying to navigate around said cars), but every single car out of line had to merge back over into their correct lane. One of the offenders actually gave me a "thanks, sorry" wave, but then one then tried to cut off a semi driver and was unsuccessful all around... C'mon folks. We're clearly all trying to get somewhere... Let's just be a little more patient and a little more kind while we do it.

ME !

Exhausted and not paying attention I rolled through an intersection that I thought (though knew better since I've gone through it many, many times) was one way and then looked right to see rapidly approaching bumpers.  I had time but if I had entered the intersection a few seconds later someone might be spray painting a bike white and putting my name on it (or so I would like to think).


90% of my  mistakes on the road are when I'm tired.  I think it's an inherent hazard of biking.  At the end of a long ride or a long day or a long week, it's so much easier to make those mistakes. 

Haddon said:

ME !

Exhausted and not paying attention I rolled through an intersection that I thought (though knew better since I've gone through it many, many times) was one way and then looked right to see rapidly approaching bumpers.  I had time but if I had entered the intersection a few seconds later someone might be spray painting a bike white and putting my name on it (or so I would like to think).


Same here. Sometimes that means that I fail to see a vehicle at a 4-way stop - or they fail to see me.  The more tired you are, the easier it is to miss something important.

Lisa Gordon said:

90% of my  mistakes on the road are when I'm tired.  I think it's an inherent hazard of biking.  At the end of a long ride or a long day or a long week, it's so much easier to make those mistakes. 


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