You blew the red light east bound on Lawrence at Damen at 5:26 pm this evening.


There was enough time for the biker in front of me to make it half way into the intersection, northbound on Damen, before you came whizzing past my front wheel.


I yelled "You're an idiot!" at your big haired chick, self, and you looked back at me. I meant it!


I woulda testified for any of the cars, that managed to not kill you, if they had.


Keep riding like a tard!




Witness bad behavior during your commute? Feel free to post. Maybe that lovely human can read it and think they are famous. Maybe you can also inspire the whole generation of kids to shower but we can start with small things.

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A special shout out to the Greyhound Bus driver that decided I did not seem to warrant the 3' of room that is required by IL law.

It was so cool to, all of a sudden, have a wall of 15ft tall metal appear mere inches from my handlebar as you creeped into the bike lane on Milwaukee just south of the Elston turn off. Thanks for almost running me into the parked cars. Lest not forget the fact you had a red light for your turn and could have rolled behind me to a stop allowing me the chance to continue cruising north on Milwaukee with the green light. I especially liked the added flair to your mad driving skillz when you opened your window to tell me in the nicest of yelling voices "Why don't you learn how to drive mother Fu**er." coming from a chap that does not know how to drive well... you made my Sunday afternoon, BTW I ratted you you to your employers. Next time you decide to keep it real and bust me down perhaps you should not do it in full company livery with a bus number on the back side... dummy.

Approx. 4:30pm today, northbound on Damen 1 blk. so. of Irving Park.

Yes, I called you an idiot. Because your idiotic behavior drove me to do so.

I'd like to think that I've matured enough to have risen above name-calling. Oh, well.

 You see the rest of us were stopped, you know, because of all those red, octagonal, metal things with the big, white letters on 'em. If you'd bothered to pay the least bit of attention you might have noticed the oncoming car with it's turn signal on whose turn it was, in fact, to proceed. But you just blew full-speed ahead through the intersection with no regard for anyone else whatsoever.

 Had you gotten creamed by one of those cars I would have been more than happy to tell the cops you had it coming.

Never rise above name calling! ;-)

Thank you, Mr. Speedy, who, silently and with barely an inch to spare, passed me in the Wells bike lane, as cars were driving in the lane next to us and parked cars next to me, then cut in front of me so closely I had to jam on my brakes to keep from hitting your rear tire.   I am sorry I was moving too slow for you to tolerate and that I may have added 30 seconds to your commute, but maybe you could have looked behind you before turning right in front of me?  Or at least said "on your left"? 

Saturday can be the toughest day of the week to bike.  The light was out at Division and Wells.  I waited, foot down for the CTA bus to clear the intersection.  The car right behind the bus erroneously thought he was next.  I swear I suffer from Cyclist Asperger syndrome.  Cause it gets loud and blue in a pico second when I perceive their aiming at me.

bravo for posting this!

leotards are the same no matter how they transport themselves

Think of it as a connected connection. You passed inches too close after honking, sorry you can't drive down a 3 lane road and avoid a bike. Good thing you got all 2 blocks to the next light. Sorry I tapped on you window n "got in yur face" but clearly you cand't see blinking lights . Now my leg will be bruised.

Oh, You wanted to ride home unscathed? Silly. ;-) Glad you are ok!

Gabe said:

Oh, You wanted to ride home unscathed? Silly. ;-) Glad you are ok!

I know. Dogs in lap are not the way to drive.

I need this rant... I know those in glass houses shouldn't throw stones, so I am just going to share my view... And wish I could rise above name calling but out of shock it is all I have...

To the blonde pony-tail, 8am-ish (Monday) SB on Lincoln, You are a Terrible Person! The first time I saw you I noticed you were outspoken, I admire that. However, each time I encounter you, I like you less and less. Monday topped the cake for my dislike. You passed me at a stop and from then on I slowed my normal pace to stay behind and apologize to the people you yelled at. I was scared to pass you for my own safety-I was afraid one of the drivers you yelled at would take out their revenge on me. (I am a single parent, my son's father has recently passed away, I have to stay safe for him - and have changed my riding habits because of him.) Not only did you yell at drivers, when I could read what would happen from my distance, YOU YELLED AT PEDESTRIANS CROSSING IN A CROSS WALKS - TWICE!! One was crossing through stopped traffic, I seen her coming and slowed. You 'zoomed' by at yelled at her, I yelled back that she has the right-of-way... You yelled more, that I didn't hear (or care to!). Then we get to a 6-way, we have the red... You crept out (I WILL CREEP OUT WHEN IT IS SAFE FOR ME AND EVERYONE ELSE! Not throwing stones. I know this was a recent topic- To each their own.) - But you crept out and cross both streets and proceed to yell at the two pedestrians in the cross-walk - WHOM HAD THE 'WALK' LIGHT AND WHERE CLEARLY SEEN TO BE CROSSING AND YOU HAD A RED LIGHT. Once I got the green, I see these two still standing there in stock. I ask if she yelled at them. Yes. "I am sorry guys, she is a B!tch. I promise not all 'us' are like her."

I am just in utter stock and disbelief, still. I will yell, comment, or stand-up for myself or others when I think we are put in a bad stop - by drivers, pedestrians, or other cyclists. We are all out on the road to get from point A to point B, etc. We have to SHARE THE ROAD. I know I feel smudge and that drivers owe me something, some days. But most days I try to have respect for everyone I encounter. You riding like and being a straight up Fool does nothing to help the community of cyclist and I highly doubt it is truly helping your commute. If you scream & yell your whole commute, it is time to look into another option, be it a less busy route, car, or CTA...

Thanks for letting me rant. I feel better to get this off my chest! Happy (& Safe) Riding!

you (multiple you's) with the 10,000 candle watt light on your handlebar

me with my flashing LED angled down towards the ground in front like a car but still very noticeable

I applaud you for being smart and having a light, everyone should, but the never ending quest to be the brightest on the block has created another danger, temporary night blindness. Please be smart and think about how you have the light positioned so you are not blinding your fellow cyclists. Navigating the LFP or a dark street after your light pollution rolls by is a hazard to me and all other bikers.

Dear northbound Milwaukee cyclists,

When you get to the atop aign at Irazu in Bucktown, could you pretty-please at least slow down and yield the right of way when you don't have it? I don't expect you to stop, just yield to the traffic that got there first. Kthx!

I make a right turn here onto Milwaukee on my way home from work and I doubt I have ever seen a bicycle yield at that intersection. 



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