Neck gaiter on cold days, great for windy days too, which can be pulled up over face for immediate transformation into Iron Man 

Any jacket that completely cuts off wind on a cold day (mine's a fake leather jacket) for amazing the pedestrians who think you're freezing when you're probably sweating

For cold days, a jacket with a hoodie that can go under the helmet and protect your ears and top of head, for winter bliss

Bike helmet mirror that lets you see what four wheeled monster might be approaching from behind you (occasionally you'd rather not know), for immediate see-behind-you-like-a-fly power

Bottle of compressed air, a folded inner tube, and a bike tool, all squished into a sandwich bag for your backpack, for confidence

A giant Kriptonite lock attached to the milk crate you stole from the back of Walgreens for the frame and front wheel, and Abus chain also attached to crate for back wheel, so you can be the perfect city nomad who can camp anywhere for any time period without ever tempting thieves

A used bike from Working Bikes that works like a dream but looks like crap that no one would want to steal anyway 

The perfect virus-free way to move around, not need a gym subscription, and look constantly in love, no one suspecting the object of your affection is the cyberpunk dream you're sitting on

A noseless seat from Spongy Wonder that is so comfy and never cuts off the blood supply of your mating accessories 

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-Squishy neoprene seat with a carved out middle for sure. 

-Water bottle with tube and one way valve on neck strap so I don't even have to reach down for a drink.  (sounds like a lotta work to do that, yes?) 

-2nd water bottle holder

-4 used bikes

-Jacket with removable sleeves and back pocket to put them in

-Neck gator for sure as you said.  Doubles as a low-grade covid mask and keeps my skin soft and silky in the summer sun too.

-An important component of my cycling pleasure is my SUV. I use it to transport 4 bikes inside it, along with 3 other people to places beyond the flatland city.  No monster CTA busses roaring on my left all day.  Michigan, Indiana, Iowa, Wisconsin, and all sorts of other places in Illinois that make make for a wonderful riding experience. It weighs 5% of the weight of the 18wheelers that have transported just about everyone's bike at one time or another. Oh, and I've used it to pick up a stranger on Elston with a flat. Put his bike in the back, gave him a ride home to Old Town. Yep. With my SUV.  

-Cheap Home Depot clear safety glasses instead of Oakley's for eye protection.

-Speedplay Zero pedals    Easy on, easy off, light, fast. 

-CatEye with cadence and heart rate.


Selle Anatomica saddle.  It's got a super long nose and a huge cutout.  Nothing is more comfortable.  Thieves don't seem to want it like they do Brooks.

Love my Selle Anatomica H2 on my road bike.  Most comfortable saddle I ever owned.  Got an R2 in Feb for my Utility/Gravel/City bike (so I don't have to deal with the leather/water issues) but its not as comfortable, good but not an H2.

High-quality bib shorts.

I am purchasing a MSA comfo 2 respirator.  It is big it is ugly, but I hope it does the job.  In heavy breathing my cloth masks leak around all sides.  I have not been outside since March 17th and am planning to go out June 4th.  
see you on the road

I recently installed an Origin8 front rack on my Marin Gestalt! I love it so much. It makes grocery shopping so much easier since I can stack the heavy groceries or six-pack on it with a cargo net to hold it in place. I also use my huge Timbuk2 especial tres backpack for storing other groceries in it.

I have also been using my merino wool buff everywhere I go nowadays. On and off the bike.


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