I had a nice pump and tire tools stolen from my bike at about 3:00 this afternoon.  I just have to vent, I know this stuff happens all the time and there is nothing to be done about it, blah blah blah.

For me, it's not a big deal.  It's only stuff and I can always buy more stuff.  The thief, however, is stuck with being who he is.  That must suck.

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Never thought of it quite like that but you are right.  It must suck to be lowered to stealing from me,if they had been humble enough to ask....


Jeff Schneider said:

I just hope the thief has many, many opportunities to use the pump and tire tools.

I leave my 8+ year old pump in my milk crate 24/7. If it was new and stolen, i might be a bit perturbed. But since it's old i don't care and i figure someone would really need it if they took it.


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