Today, about 5:30PM, temps in the upper 70's and a nice breeze from the Northeast. All in all a great day for a bike ride outside.

ID Gym on Lincoln is putting their spinning bikes outside for an upcoming class.

Made me think of this quote of U.S Rep. Earl Blumenauer

“Let’s have a moment of silence for all those Americans who are stuck in traffic on their way to the gym to ride the stationary bicycle.”

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At least they're exercising, even though it does bring back memories of my childhood hamster walking endlessly on his wheel.


MagMileMarauder said:

At least they're exercising, even though it does bring back memories of my childhood hamster walking endlessly on his wheel.


In the greater picture these folks riding "stationary" bikes pales next to bangers killing each other over control of local illegal markets of herbs and other simple recreational pharmaceuticals. 

MagMileMarauder said:

At least they're exercising, even though it does bring back memories of my childhood hamster walking endlessly on his wheel.

But isn't the point of a spin class to push yourself really hard?  You'd rather they do that on the LFP on a tri bike? :D 

Maybe it's more convenient for a city dweller to get an hour of hard training in quickly and near home/work on a Tuesday evening and save the long fast ride on the open roads out of the city for the weekend?

I think the same thing when I pass World Gym on Montrose.  Paying a fee to go inside for a treadmill or stationary bike vs. just 1/4 mile more to the lakefront and it's cost of $0.00.

Even factoring all four seasons, there's very few days I cannot get in an outdoor workout.

Not a hard decision for me...



It is way easier for people to get in a  serious work out on a stationary trainer then on the streets of Chicago or multi-use paths; also a lot more convenient for a lot of people.

GabeW (not the other Gabe) said:

But isn't the point of a spin class to push yourself really hard?  You'd rather they do that on the LFP on a tri bike? :D 

Maybe it's more convenient for a city dweller to get an hour of hard training in quickly and near home/work on a Tuesday evening and save the long fast ride on the open roads out of the city for the weekend?

What time is "class"?... Let's roll up with a GIgantiC pizza! Great spot for a li'l picnic.... Who is with me?

I train indoors at a training center on something called a computrainer in the off season... It is a much more structured workout then you can easily get outside. Once the warmer weather some still do the indoor workouts 2-3 times a week. A one hour structured workout a couple times a week as well as long rides outdoors will make you much stronger. Believe it or not bicycles can be used for something other then commuting.


Michael A said:

 Believe it or not bicycles can be used for something other then commuting.

An analog to reality is a marketable, valid business model. Malleable, "for-sale" "Truth" is at work at every level of our jet-formed, plastic society.

"It" is what we say "it" is... and the Word was Light! Reality IS as reality DOES. Freedom!.. Never mind that the sweat of communist children built and underwrite our sophistication. We are the greatest! We beat the ruskies with the nobilty of the Free Market!! Both Reagan AND JFK are demi-Gods. All is well!!!

Now, where did I put my bottle of Fiji water? Oh!.. Here it is!!!... Next to the faucet!

You are right, and that is sad, isn't it? That we have a build a society where it is considered unsafe and inconvenient to ride your bike on the city streets, and instead we resort to going to a gym to get our exercise in?

That's also how I've always interpreted Blumenauer's quote.  Not as an indictment of the fact that people do want a workout, but that it is generally accepted that a gym is the best place to get a workout, because our streets are unsafe and inconvenient, and that we are willing to sit in a traffic jam to go to a gym. (I see this last thing happen everyday at ID Gym: Cars idling, waiting to park in the lot)

GabeW (not the other Gabe) said:

But isn't the point of a spin class to push yourself really hard?  You'd rather they do that on the LFP on a tri bike? :D 

Maybe it's more convenient for a city dweller to get an hour of hard training in quickly and near home/work on a Tuesday evening and save the long fast ride on the open roads out of the city for the weekend?


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