So my girlfriend had her handlebars stolen Wednesday night. It was locked up with two U-locks on Lake and Morgan, outside the green line stop. Right down the street from where she works. The same night a co-worker had her bike stolen outside of Whole Foods in Lincoln Park. She said she had locked her bike up with a U-lock, the thieves left the U-lock locked to the bike rack. I don't know what kind of U-lock it was.

My girlfriend and her bike. 

If you see someone with green bars and a green stem, and their bike isn't the same color green.... Throw a U-lock at them. Also, is there any way to lock your bars or special screws like the ones they have for seat post and wheels? 

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Super glue and ball bearing or an epoxy in the hex key hole also works to protect handlebars, saddles, posts, fenders, cranks, etc. Thieves won't spend the extra time to take a part in public. I leave my bike outside 24/7/365 and have not had a problem since I put epoxy in EVERY hex key hole (though my bike is scratched, old and dirty). You can drill the epoxy out when you have to switch out a part or work on something.

(I think I suggest this every time this type of incident is posted :) Maybe we a need sticky thread "Easy ways to protect against thieves...")

J.A.W. said:

Do what I also have done: Cover the bolt of the handle-bar with hardened melted candle wax.

It just takes a little more time for them to liquify the candle wax or scrub it out with a knive.

"Throw a U-lock at them"

You dont know what the power in this statement represents

Definitely sounds like somebody wanted those handlebars. Sorry for her loss.

As to Whole Foods, that was bally. I lock up there all the time and there must be 15-20 bikes there most of the time.  Sounds like she didn't lock the frame given the ulock is intact?  I've never heard of the newer U locks being picked..just cut very ocsassionally.

My co-worker said that she couldn't get her key in her U-lock, so they must have busted the lock. She also just started riding a few weeks ago and her lock was pretty cheap. I'm going to have to school her on bike things.

Thanks for all your help guys, I really appreciate it.

I would stay away from the cheap Bell locks. They freeze in cold weather (sub 15 degrees) and certainly feel like they could be picked.  

Yolondra Yarborough said:

My co-worker said that she couldn't get her key in her U-lock, so they must have busted the lock. She also just started riding a few weeks ago and her lock was pretty cheap. I'm going to have to school her on bike things.

Thanks for all your help guys, I really appreciate it.


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