If you haven't heard yet- the organization to save the velodrome in South Chicago, the South Chicago Velodrome Association, just received our EIN (47-2778613) from the IRS; we'll be submitting the 501c3 application soon.
I had a little thread going here, if you want to catch up with some of this: http://www.thechainlink.org/forum/topics/new-little-velodrome-on-ch...
We're about to decide on an organization official logo and a friend pointed out that I hadn't mentioned it here. Thechainlink is a very important channel of communication, for our local bicycle community, and I'm sorry that posting about the Logo contest here slipped my mind.
We're extending the logo contest submission deadline a couple of days, so you can have a chance to take part. Submissions need not be finished products- concepts are ok. More details are in this thread: http://chicagovelodrome.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=47
We've had 10 people submit so far, from local high school students to professional designers (good designs from the whole range)...
Attached are some of the logo submissions we've received so far.
There are a lot of fun things to take part in with this "Save-the-Velodrome" project, and the whole community is invited to get involved on all levels- from providing valuable feedback to being on the board of directors, helping with social media or video production, working with kids or neighborhood groups, design, finance, legal, grounds-work... We're going to foster an environment for many people to contribute and benefit from this facility's existence here.
Thanks to the volunteers who are making this happen! And thank you for checking out this thread about the SCVA- the community's new NFP to save the velodrome in South Chicago
Save the South Chicago Velodrome
172 members
203 members
1 member
270 members
1 member