I've wanted to start this thread so many times this year. . . there have been so many beautiful, glorious days this year and each time I think "this is probably the last really beautiful day" and then another comes along.  Take yesterday morning-- what a wonderful combination of warm moist air and all the smells of autumn.

Bouncing this thread to the top heretoforth will be considered a declaration that said bouncer considers the day upon which the bouncing occurs to be the most beautiful day of the year.


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Very nice!

Would be nicer if my phone didn't load pics sideways too.
Mike Zumwalt said:
Very nice!


Mike Zumwalt said:

Would be nicer if my phone didn't load pics sideways too.
Mike Zumwalt said:
Very nice!
To the 4 little fixie fellas sizing me and my bike up, you are not sneaky and mine would be the wrong one to covet.

Another morning where I dearly wished I'd allowed myself time to stop and smell the roses.

Love when the sunlight takes on that more yellow-orange tint that a less acute refractory angle affords (I may just be making up words there...)

Last Thursday, after the North Branch Trail Meeting...

I went down Devon to get onto the side streets south after the library.  It was dark, I couldn't really see the street signs but it was so nice.  Cool, no breeze.  I just kept riding but soon discovered I was lost - in my own neighborhood!  Just kept riding, following my nose.  No cars on the side streets.  Quiet.  Just one of the best short-ride nights of the year.

These last couple of days have been high on the list of most beautiful days--early mornings when I am glad to be able to ride along the lake to go to work.  Mornings when I say to myself: "self, how did we get so lucky?"

A picture from yesterday's amazing morning (featuring the aforementioned yellow-orange tint).

Today was, without question, the most beautiful day of the year.

Yesterday was like, nice beyond comprehension. But today's no slouch, if you like it a little cooler.

Yesterday (9/7/14) was such a gorgeous day that I went out for a ride and didn't come back for 55 miles. If I'd had more water with me I'd have gone further. Nice thing about living on the outer reaches of Chi-town.

Another competitor today for the Most Beautiful Day of the Year.  Very, very hard to stop riding.


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