Whenever the forum seems depressed,

just bounce this thread to the top.

Who's got a happy song or happy thought to share?

What do you do when you're down in the dumps?

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Got a couple of positive experiences to share.  Yesterday I was riding home from the train and trying to get across 99th St., where drivers rarely stop for anyone unless they're forced to.  An eastbound driver wanting to turn left had stopped in the middle of the lane, blocking traffic behind her.  Westbound traffic just kept flowing, as I and the eastbound left-turner waited.  Nice surprise - a westbound driver paused and let us both go through.  Thank you, kind driver!


The other night, I was running errands with my cargo trailer, which makes me a little slower and less mobile.  I was westbound on 103rd St., waiting at a red light and anticipating a long wait to turn left onto Longwood Dr.  When the light turned green, the first few eastbound cars went through, with a long line of vehicles behind them.  A CTA bus came next, and the driver paused to let me make my turn.  Thank you, kind bus driver!


It's nice to have some positive experiences in traffic, especially at times/places when you don't expect them.

A friend shared this with me on Facebook and it cracked me up.  Thought some of you might enjoy it, too.  ;)

maybe I'll start flashing people. But that's a bit difficult in winter with all my layers :))

Anne Alt said:

A friend shared this with me on Facebook and it cracked me up.  Thought some of you might enjoy it, too.  ;)

Sounds like a creative challenge.  ;)

Julie Hochstadter said:

maybe I'll start flashing people. But that's a bit difficult in winter with all my layers :))

Anne Alt said:

A friend shared this with me on Facebook and it cracked me up.  Thought some of you might enjoy it, too.  ;)


Gene Tenner said:

I saw something while out for a walk today that made me happy.  Thought some of you would enjoy it, too.

A man was riding on a quiet street with his young son (who looked about 6 or 7), and was teaching some basics about safe riding on the street and correctly reading street signs so he knows where he is.  It looked like they were having a nice ride.  I remember my dad starting to teach me these skills around the same ago.  I was happy to see this man giving his son the same kind of good lesson.

This dog video is pure fun.  Happy Friday!


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