One of the Movies in the Park this summer (a program showing free movies in Parks... they rotate the movies through multiple parks) is "The Goonies".   One of the scenes in the Goonies features some "unthinking" teen-agers grabbing on to one of the "goonies" who is riding a childs bicycle which is not his.   They drive off in their car as he comically is pedaling like mad to keep up until the bicycle breaks up and he falls... as they drive off laughing.  Yes, its a "movie" and its a comedy and yes this was not a major point... but is it dangerous to keep showing movies like this in which such antisocial behavior is treated as "funny"?     Could the recent incident in Logan Square, at least in part, be related to movies in the Park?

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I really doubt that the guys driving up kimball at 12:30 am even know about this movie. If that was the case then we probably never should show Blues Brothers in a park for fear of people getting the idea of creating high speed car chases through Lower Wacker Drive. Looking at the list of movies, Im sure that there are hundreds of other examples of 'dangerous' or 'anti-social' behavior, should those be banned too?

next week they may be cross dressing after seeing Tyler Perry's Madea's Big Happy Family?

What a fucking goof!!!

I see.  So your theory is that no one is going to see a "fun" stunt like this and decide to try it for themselves?   I didn't say that "the Goonies" should be banned, but I think it is an open question as to whether it could have given the bad guys the idea.  In the Goonies it is portrayed as mean, but "fun".   After all remember all of the "Jackass" stunt disasters from people trying to "copy" the Movie.  

Im primarily saying that these "people" in all likely hood don't know that there is a Goonies movie, let alone, that there was a scene that portrayed this action as "fun" and in turn they copied this action. Maybe they were playing GTA and got "inspired" to do something stupid because of that game. Yes lets blame movies for peoples actions and not people themselves for their actions. I really hope no one decides to "cross the streams" after watching Ghostbusters. Or what if someone decides to speed down some street at 88 mph in all hopes to go Back to the Future. By blaming the movie for these inhumans, I feel that you are diminishing their actions.

Crazy Dave I might be more inclined to believe your argument if you can show that in 1985 there was a large increase in Car grabbing Bike assault the summer the movie came out. 

Honestly, if we're not going to show any movies that have people doing crazy things then we might as well throw out all action movies with their mayhem and violence galore as well as quite a few other movies where people do some questionable/illegal things.  The remaining selection would be quite small.  


Tim S said:

next week they may be cross dressing after seeing Tyler Perry's Madea's Big Happy Family?

I love the movie The Expendables and am trying to put together a team for fighting international bad guys. PM me for details.

Hey, don't blame me for this crazy talk. 

Gabe said:

If the shoe fits. :-)


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