The Fourth of July Ride in Plainfield - Looking for Someone to Ride With

I am planning to ride 30 miles at an average speed of 10 - 12 mph.  (It could be a little faster, as I have a new, lighter bike.)  I would enjoy having a partner or two along for the ride.  Would anyone be interested?

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That seems kind of far. Why not "organize" something people can bike to? Organize is in quotes, because I envision little it no real organization. More like, "Let's meet at X at Y o'clock. We'll ride to Z, get a bagel and some coffee, then ride back."

Dear Jeff,

Thank you very much for offering to accompany me.  I would like to take you up on the offer.  I am completely unfamiliar with the area, so we will need to set up a meeting place.

Let me know what works for you.  Alice Bernstein


I may be up for it too, need to get my long rides back on.  Are you in the city?

Dear Julie,

Yes, I am.  I live in the Lincoln Park area.  However, I have rented a room in a motel in Bolingbrook for the night before the ride, so I will be going out there on Wednesday.



I did this ride in 2010. Lots of fun, on generally low traffic roads out in the country side. I remember some strong headwinds during part of the ride...

Yeah, we've done it before.  Here are pics of the group back in 2010.

Yes, it is.

Evan said:

I am definitely interested. Is joliet bike club the sponsor?

That was a fun ride, If I remember it was just a metric Century? If so I may be interested in doing it, I am  just starting rehab after knee surgery and will have to see how I feel

Julie Hochstadter said:

Yeah, we've done it before.  Here are pics of the group back in 2010.

A 30-miler at a relatively relaxed pace sounds great, especially if it's an early start and I can get back home before all the in-laws crashing at my house for the weekend notice I'm gone ;-)

Some very nice roads around Plainfield.

You say that like it's a bad thing. :-)

Dave Jacque said:

... before all the in-laws crashing at my house for the weekend notice I'm gone ;-)
Heh. Well, mainly the niece and nephew (5 and 9). They're kinda fond of their Unca Dave. The rest of 'em can take me or leave me.

Dear Jeff,

I am a little afraid of forming a group.  What I had in mind was riding with one or two other individuals.  In large groups I tend to get left behind, as I am short (barely 5 feet), old (in my 60's, though I work out regularly), and 30 miles is a long distance for me.  Hopefully there will be at least one person who will be willing to hang back with me.




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