The Dutch Discussion: Alderman Solis, 25th Ward, talks about his experience in the Netherlands

I saw a few Chainlinkers last night, including at least 4 Community Advisory Group leaders for the Streets for Cycling 2020 Plan


If you missed the ActiveTrans Social last night at Simone's in Pilsen, then you didn't see how excited Alderman Solis is that he got to experience how the Dutch promote and facilitate safe cycling (and beyond that, safe walking and driving environments). 


Check out my article on Grid Chicago for the details of the event. 


Women cycling to work in Chicago make up 26% of adults cycling to work.Photo by Serge Lubomudrov.

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Last night? Would have loved to be there. I wonder why I didn't hear about it.

Of all the alderman's offices I deal with regularly, I find help most consistently from Solis'.

His chief of staff Vince (former streets and san sup. for the same ward) gets things done.

I wrote about the event on Grid Chicago twice, and Active Trans announced it several times. 

I think Vincent was there. 

If you want one, H', there are some t-shirts left. I'll give you mine. 

h' said:

Last night? Would have loved to be there. I wonder why I didn't hear about it.

Of all the alderman's offices I deal with regularly, I find help most consistently from Solis'.

His chief of staff Vince (former streets and san sup. for the same ward) gets things done.

Oops, I see-- it's in the most recent "Traffic Signals".

Wish they had pulled 60608 members and sent a separate notice about it . . . I rarely ever even notice the mailing in my inbox anymore.

Thanks for writing about it-- I'll try to check out the article.

There was a lot of positive energy in the room.  Seemed like a lot of us were excited about Alderman Solis' enthusiasm for bike improvements and the kinds of ideas he presented.  It was the kind of discussion I'd like to see in a lot more wards across the city.

I like his idea of putting a bike path on the 16th Street railroad viaduct from Canal to Western. I'd like for him to continue exploring that. 

Anne Alt said:

There was a lot of positive energy in the room.  Seemed like a lot of us were excited about Alderman Solis' enthusiasm for bike improvements and the kinds of ideas he presented.  It was the kind of discussion I'd like to see in a lot more wards across the city.

I wouldn't stand in the way, but I think the higher priorities are:

1) Sanction/preserve 16th street as a preferred cyclist route in its current form

2) Modify the Damen underpass at the 14th-16th street rail tunnel to create a safe space for cyclists

3) Restore bike access at 14th place to cross the UPS facility on east-west trips

Moving ahead on the build-out of Taylor into a bike corridor extending into the Loop would benefit greater Pilsen cyclists as much as any of these things, though.

Steven Vance said:

I like his idea of putting a bike path on the 16th Street railroad viaduct from Canal to Western. I'd like for him to continue exploring that. 

Anne Alt said:

There was a lot of positive energy in the room.  Seemed like a lot of us were excited about Alderman Solis' enthusiasm for bike improvements and the kinds of ideas he presented.  It was the kind of discussion I'd like to see in a lot more wards across the city.

Howard - we are having a little handful of meetings in the Mid south west CAG group for Streets for Cycling. The first at Rapid Trans Thursday (15th) to do community mapping of current conditions, destinations, gaps etc. 6.30-8p.m.

The second is in your corner of the neighborhood at Working Bikes on the 19th. Same time basically.

Why not come out at help us map these suggestions for CDOt?

What is CAG?

Would love to be involved.  Can't do Thursday night.

Cycling Advocacy Group?

Cycling Advisory Gathering?

Can Anyone Guess?
h' said:

What is CAG?

Community Advisory Group. 

It's mentioned in the OP (original post). I'm trying to put a calendar together of all the CAG meetings:

Hi- CAG is a Community Advisory Groug- CDOT and Active Trans cut the city into parts by the largest barriers. The maps are in this pdf All the info you need to find out who to contact for your area is there. Don't feel confined to attending meetings just where you live. We all ride all over the city and they'll be glad to see you at any meeting if you want to help mark the map and share information about current conditions and where you wish you could ride. Bring friends who have always been afaraid to ride so they can share where they want to go. H. check the "Mid-Southwest Side" (it is a 2MB pdf). We're meeting this Thursday and again at Working Bikes the next week on the 19th.


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