"there was one tiny, peculiar group whom the Canadian government found in its data—3 percent of respondents—who claimed that commuting was the best part of their day—and who didn’t seem as fazed by lengthy commutes. Who on Earth were these people?"

One guess...

I consider myself very fortunate to be in that category. In the morning, in particular, when there aren't as many people on the LFT, seeing the sun rise and feeling the exhilaration of a good ride is the high point of my day.

The endorphins linger for at least a few hours into my work day and I'm more relaxed, less stressed, more upbeat and able to think more clearly than I would be otherwise. The commute home is not quite as pleasant but I sleep better at night which gives me a leg up on the next day.

For me, its a game changer.  

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Joe, an early morning sunrise ride is the most exhilarating time for me also. Hope to see you down the road !

YAY!  Good thorough article, explores correlations between reduced work happiness and increased travel time, unless you're a cyclist :)

"The eight mile ride each way is the best part of my day." is something I often say.  What other commuting mode literally has fans???  Part of why I always live close to the LFT.  Pure bliss.

And further I often add that if I didn't bike commute I'd have to add an hour or more additional daily exercise into my life some other way, so it's a perfect solution.

Indeed, on even the suckiest day, I have a minimum of 45 minutes of fun in it.


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