The Chainlink has offered some of our favorites for holiday gifts...

What are you hoping to receive this year? Did you drop some hints? Or just hoping your loved ones will choose the right gift? Or are you self-gifting? :-) 

Aside from the crazy, over the top, top of the line Focus road bike (Izalco Max 2.0) I asked Santa for, I'm so happy for the gift of off-season riding we've had these last several weeks. So nice to be outside doing longer rides and enjoying the sunshine. Oh, and I love the new Po Campo bags in black. ;-)

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The best bicycling gift I ever got was indeed a bicycle which launched this 25+ year addiction/obsession. 'Twas an inexpensive Centurion, and by the time it ceased moving I had replaced every part on it at least once.

That's lovely. Bicycle is the best gift ever.


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