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Hi Serge,

We looked at a variety of options for attaching to the bars, and felt that the strap was the best combination of near-universal fit, ease of use, and durability. If there is enough demand, we could design a clamp attachment for standard handlebar diameters.

The link I sent from contains reviews of those straps, which many people use a lot -- and I'm guessing some do use them daily, because they have a zillion uses. 69 out of 77 reviews are 5 stars, with words like "bullet proof", "burly", "durable", "take a ton of abuse", etc.


- Steve

Hey Steve,

I would be keen on getting one in the shape of a skull to compliment the rear tail light I designed and built.


That is awesome! I think we can work something out...

Thanks! we shall see.

Steve R said:

That is awesome! I think we can work something out...

Knoggs Blinders lights' rubbers suck. I've exchanged mine three times.

Hope this one is of a much better material than the ones Knoggs use.

h' 1.0 said:

I share Serge's concern-- at a glance they look the same as the straps that come with these fenders:

Which I have not found to be durable enough (sooner or later you need to replace them with zip ties.)

Hi all,

This is great feedback on the strap attachment, thank you.

We are still finalizing the design and although we think the strap will be durable enough and we are planning to test the heck out of it, we can certainly consider a clamp attachment method as an alternate.


- Steve


I am planning to be at the Tour de Fat on Saturday with a MYBELL prototype. If anyone is interested in seeing it, please let me know or just stop by to say hello... I will be wearing a MYBELL t-shirt and showing off the prototype.


- Steve

you could save a few bucks and simply shriek out any thing you'd like too...very customizable

i have a hornit ..... it's so loud that I am cautious about using it

Serge Lubomudrov said:

Wait, there's more . . . Though I like the "all-in-one" concept, no hanging wires, etc., this horn is not good for a flat handlebar with gear switches and break levers on inside of the grips.

A tiny trigger the HornIt comes with fits perfectly right next to the grip and doesn't get in the way when I want to break or shift gears:

That's the nice thing about MYBELL -- you can set the volume, and there are 2 tones you can select with the button push: you could set one to be loud (emergency) and the other to be friendlier (not so loud).


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