My first Chainlink Bar Night, good times. My friend stood me up, he was supposed to meet me at Nick's, but he was a no-show. Anyways I met some good peeps, Jen, Julie, Martin, Hector, S, Dubi, Casey, Jon, just to name a very few. Thanks guys for turning a regular Thursday night into a hellova night. Also, Ammo, I recognized your sweet ride, didn't get a chance to introduce myself, but maybe next time...

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Vando-it was great to meet u too! Anytime u want to talk about international travel let me know!
It was a good time.

Good to put more faces to names.

And I owe you a beer.
we missed you h3!

h3 said:
Glad it turned out well.
I'm fighting a cold and needed to be out the door at 5:30 this morning . . . common sense won.
Nice meeting you and you for the fenders, I'll install them for Saturday night ride.
It was great fun. I enjoyed meeting new people and catching up with folks I hadn't seen in a while.

Martin - Saw you but didn't get to say hi. Have fun tonight! I'll be a Mardi Gras party in the 'hood.

Aww...I wish I coulda been there! I could barely talk, let alone bike, on Thursday. Boooooo! I'll have to meet you guys at another chainlink deal.
i slowed down when i rode by nick's on thursday night around 10:30, but continued on my way when i didn't see any bikes locked outside. turns out the parking was inside, boo! sorry i missed it, hope to make the next one.


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