Hi Everybody-- Thanks for your interest in my post and I understand concern about it.  I am a real person and wanted to share this great trip with you.  We not only biked like crazy but were asked in to tea by perfect strangers, found cousins of one of our bikers in a small town--within 5 minutes--, were welcomed by children and kids with bikes who joined us for a bit.   So the cultural learning was really interesting as well as the history etc.   I'm glad I am OK on Google (I've never searched myself). 

   last Monday I went to McCormick Seminary to share my power point; I want to get to DePaul and other college "young-stuff" to let them know.  If you guys have any connections or know of any groups that could benefit, please let me know. 

    I met with Julie H. last year, and she suggested I join Chain Link to let people know about this. She has cycled in this region albeit in the desert to Eilat with a very large group, in the Israeli region (south). 

   My politics are to support a Palestinian state so a trip over there does that to a degree.  But one need not be political to be in ancient Schechem (sp?), or Ephraim--now Nablus, and Taybeh.      Thanks again for your interest and I will try to do pictures.  Peg

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Welcome to the Chainlink Peg!
If you would like to give a presentation to the bike crowd I'd love to set it up for you.

Sounds like a great trip and I would love to see your powerpoint.



I'd love to see photos of your trip; I've always wanted to go to Israel & Palestine.

Paul, it would be great if there could be a Chainlink event to have Peg make this presentation.  Maybe Chicago Cycling Club would be interested in joining in?  Is it okay if not all of us are young, Peg? 

Hi Paul:  thanks for your welcome and your idea to present to the bike crowd.  That is definitely my intention (have done it for 2 groups so far and wish to get to the DePaul, Loyola etc. folks.  Lisa C. recommends you as a facilitator and ...well, have power point..will travel.  How do I get in touch with you? Also, Julie H. has cycled in Israel-maybe we could do a twosome?  Peg Griffiths

A.K.A Paul said:

Welcome to the Chainlink Peg!
If you would like to give a presentation to the bike crowd I'd love to set it up for you.
Sounds like a great trip and I would love to see your powerpoint.



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