Texting/Cell Phone Talking will get you a ticket while cycling.



Don't Text & Ride (fixed by JH)



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This strikes me as being pretty sad on a number of different levels. Sad that legislators feel the need to legislate everything. Sad that there are people out there who may need a law to keep them from talking/texting while riding a bicycle. I would have hoped that it would have just occurred to people that this is a really bad idea, and refrained from doing it.

Kevin C said:
This strikes me as being pretty sad on a number of different levels. Sad that legislators feel the need to legislate everything. Sad that there are people out there who may need a law to keep them from talking/texting while riding a bicycle. I would have hoped that it would have just occurred to people that this is a really bad idea, and refrained from doing it.
I agree. 

Kevin C said:
This strikes me as being pretty sad on a number of different levels. Sad that legislators feel the need to legislate everything. Sad that there are people out there who may need a law to keep them from talking/texting while riding a bicycle. I would have hoped that it would have just occurred to people that this is a really bad idea, and refrained from doing it.
Bikes might be more visible than motorists.
Do they ever ticket texting motorists?
On Saturday I saw a cop texting while driving his SUV police "car".


Not often.

I've seen it too.


"Everyone else was doing it" is not a very compelling defense to a misdemeanor. 

Michael J Blane said:

Bikes might be more visible than motorists.
Do they ever ticket texting motorists?
On Saturday I saw a cop texting while driving his SUV police "car".

I almost laughed out loud last time I was in traffic court and heard someone tell the Judge he wasn't guilty of speeding because "everyone else was doing it". 


I haven't spent much time in court, but i imagine that there are few defenses that ire a judge more...

Kevin C said:


Not often.

I've seen it too.


"Everyone else was doing it" is not a very compelling defense to a misdemeanor. 

Michael J Blane said:

Bikes might be more visible than motorists.
Do they ever ticket texting motorists?
On Saturday I saw a cop texting while driving his SUV police "car".

I'd be interested in the rationale of a cyclist who thinks typing out a message while riding is a fine idea.


Watch out for that treeeee!!

*humming the George of the Jungle theme*

The comic aspect comes from the fact that it is an admission of guilt. You just made the judge's job a whole lot easier.

Liz said:

I almost laughed out loud last time I was in traffic court and heard someone tell the Judge he wasn't guilty of speeding because "everyone else was doing it". 


I haven't spent much time in court, but i imagine that there are few defenses that ire a judge more...

Too bad on a bike you're much more visible than when your in a vehicle.


Not too mention it's a really bad.

I agree that it is stupid to text and ride, but I would be very interested to see (when there are actual numbers) the number of ticketed car drivers vs number of ticketed cyclists. If they are roughly the same, then it is fine. But this could be a problem if it ends up being slanted one way more than the other.


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