I was walking past the CTA HQ yesterday and thought it would be a good time to remind people about the "put a bike on a bus" training demo they have.

If you are trying to encourage people to ride their bike more, take them to Lake and Jefferson and help them learn how to put their bike on the bus. It's by the Jefferson entrance of the building and is a full-sized bus bike rack where you can practice pulling it down and putting your bike on it.

I used to find it intimidating, but now love knowing how to do this and knowing that if I can't ride home, I can always get on a bus with my bike.

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Has anyone had trouble lately pulling the yellow piece up that holds the bike in place? I've been having a problem lately geting over the top of the wheel. Not sure if its my bike, the cold, the rack or my upper body strength that causing it but it happened twice today. One time the bike fell over and off the rack!

On some of those racks with the yellow wheel retainer, the springs are quite stiff and tough to move.  It's not just you Julie. Some of them are much tougher than others. I don't know if the cold weather factors into it or not.

Thanks anne!

Anne Alt said:

On some of those racks with the yellow wheel retainer, the springs are quite stiff and tough to move.  It's not just you Julie. Some of them are much tougher than others. I don't know if the cold weather factors into it or not.

I've heard of many incidents by bus travelers of being delayed for extra minutes because of newbie cyclists clueless on how to use the bus rack this summer, and the drivers are not helpful at all. Are drivers supposed to sit there and let them struggle and figure it out? I guess that is the policy. So, view the video. And spread the word to any non-CL'ers out there if you can.


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