Some 'o y'all wanted a forum to have yer bikecycle questions answered direct from the source, well here I am in the cyber flesh ready, willing and able to answer all of yer dumb questions in a mostly judgement free manner.

Ask away you unwashed chumps.

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In two sentences you managed to talk down to your audience twice ("yer dumb questions", "unwashed chumps"). Well done.

If it was meant to be humorous or ironic, I'd say it didn't work

Duppie is a quick one....

Why are certain bike shop employees such pricks?

I am looking for a basic diagram/explanation of the names of bike parts, what their function is, what they look like, and differences in different parts for different types of riding. Now... I know the basics, like wheel, tire, frame... but Im looking at the more nitty gritty details. Often when Im reading a thread I can follow to a certain point (usually somewhere around "Hey thats a nice looking carbon frame there!") And then another language starts and I lose the thread.Is there somewhere I can learn this language? How do I learn this language?

Michelle said:

I am looking for a basic diagram/explanation of the names of bike parts, what their function is, what they look like, and differences in different parts for different types of riding. Now... I know the basics, like wheel, tire, frame... but Im looking at the more nitty gritty details. Often when Im reading a thread I can follow to a certain point (usually somewhere around "Hey thats a nice looking carbon frame there!") And then another language starts and I lose the thread.Is there somewhere I can learn this language? How do I learn this language? 

1) That diagram is SO helpful already

2) I think some nonfiction is in my future! 

I want to get bike nerd-y. Or at least know basic stuff and be able to participate in in depth conversations :)  

Kind of the free web version of that book....

You should consider taking a class or maintenance overview at one of the co-ops.

They can be very informative and the atmosphere is laid back to encourage discussion and questions.

I've taken a class at West Town Bikes and have used their open shop many times.

Highly recommended, by many others on Chainlink also.

There are a couple of other good places that get recommended here also, but I am only familiar with WTB.

Michelle said:

1) That diagram is SO helpful already

2) I think some nonfiction is in my future! 

I want to get bike nerd-y. Or at least know basic stuff and be able to participate in in depth conversations :)  

I think he meant to say unwashed chums. Perhaps like the OP's own personal hygiene.

Having worked at a bike shop with other smelly people, especially during the summertime, I get the joke. Also many customers would come in asking ignorant questions all day long.

Carry on.

Duppie 13.5185km said:

In two sentences you managed to talk down to your audience twice ("yer dumb questions", "unwashed chumps"). Well done.

If it was meant to be humorous or ironic, I'd say it didn't work

This is the picture I prefer because everything is a little clearer in the illustration than it is when a photo is used.  Of course there are also types of bikes and parts on on this but it is a good start for the basics.

Both Park Tools book and website are great resources. 

As is suggested a tune up or build a bike class at any one of the area co-ops is a great way to really learn about bikes; the other is to attend open shop nights at those same places and learn a little at a time.

OLB 0.1 said:

You should consider taking a class or maintenance overview at one of the co-ops.

They can be very informative and the atmosphere is laid back to encourage discussion and questions.

I've taken a class at West Town Bikes and have used their open shop many times.

Highly recommended, by many others on Chainlink also.

There are a couple of other good places that get recommended here also, but I am only familiar with WTB.

Michelle said:

1) That diagram is SO helpful already

2) I think some nonfiction is in my future! 

I want to get bike nerd-y. Or at least know basic stuff and be able to participate in in depth conversations :)  

Yer not that quick with the humor is ya?

Duppie 13.5185km said:

In two sentences you managed to talk down to your audience twice ("yer dumb questions", "unwashed chumps"). Well done.

If it was meant to be humorous or ironic, I'd say it didn't work


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