So one of my major down falls would undoubtedly be my uncontrollable kindness. I saw the guy who stole my friends bike a few months ago, ride by on it yesterday around 11:30 AM. I without thinking, ran out the door in PJ's and chased him down bare footed and cold. After an interesting confrontation we both settled down and  exchanged info.
   He some how convinced me he found the bike in a dumpster at the start of winter and worked on it to make it ride able again. He said if it was stolen he would give it back but he needed proof it was "mine." He was on his way to work and going to be late so he said he'd call me later after work and we can talk.

I saw his license and all but turns out its all BS. He some how sly talked the slickest talker I know(me) into getting away with a bike we both know was stolen. Besides the fact that he was almost twice my size, fully clothed and I didn't actually have a phone to call the cops nor anyone around to do so for me, I am ashamed to say I let him get away...

I have had many bicycles stolen and vowed to "kicked the knees in" of the first bicycle thief I ran into and I let myself down, the bike owner, any one who has ever had a bike stolen and the bicycles of past. FAIL

lesson: No mercy for bike thieves!

Has any one let something stupid like this happen to them? Did I do the right thing?

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So he had a fake license?
Gabe and i confronted a guy during a maurauders ride who was riding a KHS im 99% was stolen from a friend. i got a BS answer that gave me even less doubt that i was wrong about me judgement. but i couldnt prove a damn thing at the moment and that .5% trumped any action. truth is, you cant really do anything unless you are 100% sure, and yes, it should be said, if you werent at a attire...lack of appropriate footwear for the occasion (shitkickers). things like this need to be planned out a bit and not reactionary.
Well, you've seen the bike, got a make on the rider, and now know for certain he's a con artist (most thieves are, BTW.) Next time you see him and you're on a bike, just ride up around him and hook out his front wheel, grab the bike and make off before he recovers. If that doesn't appeal, just follow along behind him until he reaches his destination, make a call or two and then make a move. Good luck!

Many years ago my locker was kicked in and i lost a few pairs of wheels and a bag of components. i later saw some of them on a neighbour's bike (Campy sew-ups on a Varsity- kind of a giveaway,) and somehow was conned into believing that she and her b/f got them from a guy selling them out of his cartrunk. i bought the wheels back instead of calling the cops... To say i was being naive would be kind...

Anyway, don't feel pregnant... these sort of things happen to lots of folks who really want to believe that people are basically good.
I think it might have been fake because nothing seems to check out.

Man, I really believed him. He said a lot of (obviously) bull shoot things, but for some reason I couldn't help but take the man on his word... I keep forgetting that this is the 21st century and words don't mean nuts 'n bolts any more. The sad thing is I know for 100% fact that bike was my friends.

Ill find em... again. and yes, there will be broken spokes or bones this time.
No matter how big someone is, a quick hit to the throat will stop anyone.
It always works in the movies, so it must be true. Right?

Daniel Villarreal said:
No matter how big someone is, a quick hit to the throat will stop anyone.
The thing is if your a good person and not a scumbag you would believe the guy atleast 50 percent. No one wants to accuse anyone of being a thief its a bum rap, but i guess your right being nice is not the way to go about it. But im thinking if the bike was reported stolen could the police do anything about it.
I'd rather read this post than one saying you brutally beat up a guy you THOUGHT stole your bike. And for the record, I would've done the same thing even though I've swore vengeance (shaking fist in air!!) on those that stole my bikes.
A quick pic with a cell phone or other small camera would allow us to identify the person and bike and we could sort it out later.
Made my day :)

Dan Townsend said:
pussy.... hahaha jk
It totally works, at least it did for me the few times I needed to actually do it.

T.C. O'Rourke said:
It always works in the movies, so it must be true. Right?

Daniel Villarreal said:
No matter how big someone is, a quick hit to the throat will stop anyone.
As much as I dislike these scum-of-the-earth thieves, I think that their buyers are even worse - letting someone else do the dirty work and take the risks, yet reaping the ill-gotten gains. They're the reason thieves are in business to begin with. If someone buys something he knows to be stolen, he has no right to it.

Was the description of the car and license number reported to the police?

What would you do if you got this guy's address?


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