Hello Chainlinkers! 

I am a graduate student at DePaul University and am conducting my thesis research on the impact of bicyclists on their local economy.  

Part of my research consists of a survey that is targeted towards cyclists to identify their behaviors, preferences, and values. I would greatly appreciate it if you took a couple minutes to complete it. Also feel free to let me know if you have any questions or suggestions.  

Survey link: http://depaul.qualtrics.com/SE/?SID=SV_9H6DF3wegVVchwx  

Thank you so much!



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What is your major?

Done. Hopefully you'll share the results with the CL.



Thanks AGAIN everyone!!!  I'm going to close the survey soon and will get cracking on analysis/charts/graphs.  I plan to share the results among all participants (and anyone else who's interested of course!).

MPA, concentration in Metropolitan Planning and Community Affairs

Ifi Susana said:

What is your major?

Ann - Thanks for helping out!  Would you mind telling me where else you posted the survey?  I'd like to be able to report all forums used.  

Anne Alt said:

Done. And I just posted this in 2 more places, so I hope you get more responses.  I hope that the results of surveys like this will help to persuade aldermen and business organizations in our less progressive wards regarding the difference that cyclists can make in communities.

I like to do grocery shopping by bike and discovered yesterday that 2 out of 3 2-bike racks that were previously on the sidewalk in front of our favorite grocery store had been REMOVED.  I wrote to the store and the alderman asking why - no response yet.  I really hope that this is temporary - for construction or something - otherwise I'll be starting a campaign to get our racks restored.

Valerie - I hope you'll share the results with us.

It would appear that the Chicago Tribune has been front running your research project.

Lakeview, West Town planning "bike-friendly" business district

Well look at that! It's right up my alley, will likely attend the workshop the Chamber of Commerce is hosting on Tuesday.   

A couple of bike-related groups on Facebook, and on Twitter.

Valerie said:

Ann - Thanks for helping out!  Would you mind telling me where else you posted the survey?  I'd like to be able to report all forums used.  

Anne Alt said:

Done. And I just posted this in 2 more places, so I hope you get more responses.  I hope that the results of surveys like this will help to persuade aldermen and business organizations in our less progressive wards regarding the difference that cyclists can make in communities.

I like to do grocery shopping by bike and discovered yesterday that 2 out of 3 2-bike racks that were previously on the sidewalk in front of our favorite grocery store had been REMOVED.  I wrote to the store and the alderman asking why - no response yet.  I really hope that this is temporary - for construction or something - otherwise I'll be starting a campaign to get our racks restored.

Valerie - I hope you'll share the results with us.


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