I wrote this letter to my Alderman.  Am I just a 75-year old nut case or is anyone else concerned that these extra wide devices pose a menace?


Dear Alderman Reilly:

As an avid bicyclist I have been extremely happy and enthusiastic about all of the projects that have been completed recently and those that are currently in the works, especially since budgetary funds are so scarce these days.  As you know the mixing of joggers, walkers, tourists, cyclists (slow and fast), Segway’s – you name it – can pose problems.  Most of us old timers have gotten used to working our ways around these crowded venues, even without a recorded message and bullhorn loudly pronouncing “On your left.”  

I have ridden the 606 twice, once on opening day and again last Thursday.  It has a good design to handle a mix of traffic given the geometric constraints.  Unfortunately in our 42nd Ward we have a situation that I think may evolve into a real problem.  I know River Walk contains the word “walk” and maybe that’s all it is supposed to be, but some of us do use it to connect to other parts of downtown.  The River constricts many portions of the pathway and nothing can be done about it.  There could be a few more on/off ramps west of State Street, but these are minor complaints.

My big concern is the Wheel Fun Rentals DBA Chicago Bicycles (http://www.wheelfunrentals.com/Locations/Chicago-2) on the River Walk that specializes in Surreys and three wheel adult tricycles oriented almost exclusively toward the tourist trade.  I want our visitors to feel welcome, but these items take up more than half of the path.  The Lakefront Path with much more room has problems accommodating the surreys.  On many occasions people just stop to enjoy the view or take a photo.  Most of us may mutter under our breath, but consider it part of the congestion in certain portions of the path around Navy Pier.  On the River Walk, however, it is my opinion that these items pose a danger to everyone, especially to those first-time visitors who are unaware of the path.  When the original vendor on the path at Columbus dismantled their installation this spring, I was relieved.  When I saw the replacement by dozens of surreys and trikes, I became alarmed once more.

We all want Chicago to be that “Bike Friendly City” and are well aware that signs and verbal admonitions by vendors don’t instill common sense.  I wish I had some ready solutions to offer, but I do have a concern over safety these next few months that needs to be expressed.

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They're the biggest nuisance on the bridge over the river, and will be worse than usual with all the construction. Almost as bad as Segway tours (still trying to convince my office to do one, though).

My trike is pretty wide, yet it is only two inches wider than my shoulders. Do you know the specific width measurements of these beasts?

The trikes are probably about the same as yours, but you would have to visit the site to get the dimensions.  The surreys set two across and 2 to 3 seats deep -- and take about a full had of the typical trail.

Not so surprisingly, Alderman/Vice Mayor Reilly responded back and indicated that he agrees with the problem of "serious modal conflict" on the path.  He is not directly responsible, but will contact the appropriate City department to discuss the matter.

Sight lines on the River Walk are short and it's only a matter of time before a serious crash.

And this is the sad fact of a problem you have presented. Everyone sees the problem, but until an accident cause enough financial burden, I don't think it's going to change. The river walk development growing pains are going to eventually be felt and this will totally be a part of it, but similar to segways being exempt from the "no motorized" vehicles on the lake front path, no change is expected because no unbearable cost to the city has occurred.
If the surreys are what I think they are (the four person quadrabikes) that's one thing. But trikes? Trikes aren't THAT wide...

I think the gist is anything that's got two-abreast bench seating takes up a lot of space.

But a trike would have a normal bike saddle, no? It would seat one, unless I'm mistaken.

Adventure Film

Recumbent trikes have seats, not saddles.

But OP has not specified and I thought they just rented traditional trikes. Just trying to clarify the ambiguity. Even the trike in your picture doesn't look near as wide as a four person quadrabike that I see people renting.

That one in your picture looks like a great bike BTW. I want one!


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