My morning ride today, going south on Lincoln, south on Wells into the loop, was surprisingly clear of snow and slush. It was wet and chilly, but quite rideable.

Be careful out there!

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I have a similar route and agree, it was virtually business as usual this morning on the main roads. I think when it gets below 25 or so it actually helps keep snow together a bit and plows are more effective, for instance I was able to shovel my walkway easily with a single pass this morning and sweep everything off my steps.
I purposely woke up too late to bike (I live on the same block as a blue line entrance and when the weather gets totally ridonkulous, I take the train) and was bummed as hell when I left the house and realized the biking would have been more than fine. Oh well.

Riding home last night in the snow sure was fun, though!
Same route, same experience. Nice riding this morning, and not nearly as adverse weather-wise as I'd been led to expect. I guess the rest of the week might make up for that though. I saw 4 or 5 other cyclists out there too.

Waking up late for me though means it's more likely I'll need to ride to make it in on time. 1 hour or more via CTA and I average around 35 minutes on the bike.
I left a little later than usual, letting the morning traffic die down a bit (as much as it CAN die down), and took Broadway to Montrose; Montrose to Damen; headed east on Berteau to Ravenswood. Aside from getting a little wet, it wasn't too bad at all! I just rode fairly slowly, didn't try to break any land speed records, and strove to just arrive at work in one piece.
Agreed... very pleased with the conditions this morning on Lincoln and Wells. Hopefully it will stay clear and ice-free! I over-dressed this morning, but I arrived toasty warm. :-)
Yep, today wasn't bad at all. However, I think that the wind was at my back. Going home might be a lot harder.
Going home will be a lot colder!!
At least its too cold to snow now. Generally...
Not too bad today. Better than expected. I did have some good sized beardcicles when I got home though.
oh man. ride home, super cold, and my chain is slipping like crazy and my rear tire went flat, my bike is falling to pieces on me. And yes, beardcicles, but not as epic as the ones I got on Friday. :)
Good to hear! That's my planned route for tomorrow.
Today was great; I turned around and got my bike after seeing the roads. Who's planning to commute Thursday when it gets cold as fuck?


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