Surprise! Drivers aren't slowing down on Milwaukee Avenue (Far Northwest Side)

It's really too bad the project was cut to pieces. Personal experience on this stretch of Milwaukee shows me people are driving faster than ever now that they have smooth pavement.

It's really too bad it turned out this way. No real improvement to the road.

I hope other areas will see the result and not let a small group of people change a project, like what happened up here.

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No one will drive the speed limit as long as it isn't enforced. i don't generally like the idea of "the cop-in-the box" speed cameras, but some places do cry out for them. If the city is so hard up for cash, they could make bank on Milwaukee, Sheridan, Broadway, etc, etc, with those cameras or even posting the occasional speed trap squad car.

It seems that the "5mph over" tolerance has become 15mph in recent years, and it's more than time for that to be stopped.

The speed cameras on Irving Park east of California have made it much safer to cross the river there. Drivers used to regularly exceed 50mph on that stretch. 

If a road is built properly, people will slow down. That's the problem with this section of Milwaukee, it's built like a highway.

The fight for the 'road diet' on this section of Milwaukee Avenue was given up too easily. 

The biggest opposition seemed to be against bicyclists, but the road diet would have made major improvements for pedestrians, school kids, seniors, and handicapped.  The focus on bicycles was only a way to gain support from the local motorists who wanted to use Milwaukee as a mini-expressway.


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