Suggestions for cool chicago bike stuff for Momentum's Chicago city guide?



Momentum magazine is running a new guide to the Chicago bike scene in their September/October issue.


Here's the guide I wrote for them back in 2008:


Got any suggestions for cool bike stuff and bicycle-friendly businesses that may have flown under my radar, such as:

Social rides

Bike-friendly restaurants, bars and cafes (with cool bike parking, local/organic food, biking clientelle, etc.)

Bike-friendly hotels and B & Bs

Any other non-obvious bike stuff that would be worth mentioning to a visiting cyclist



John Greenfield


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Don't forget other great additions for Chicago since 2008.

Thought You Knew!

British Bicycle Club

Blue City Cycles

Humboldt Frameworks

Cyclocross is getting more of a notice around these parts too

And you know what I have to say next... but I don't really need to plug that again to you do I???? LOL

+1 to The Bike Lane although I also really like Boulevard.  It is so nice having a bunch of awesome bike shops so close by. 


How about a shout-out to all the local bike bloggers -and The Chainlink itself as the hub of the local internet bicycle scene and community. 

What's Humbolt Frameworks?
Man, I have to get a BMX bike now. I had seen this track years ago, but didn't realize it was sanctioned and how extensive it is. Can you do much on a mountain bike on those tracks?

Sean Gaskin said:

the garden(yes it is supposed to be lower case)    Legal dirtjumps and a pumptrack in city limits as a part of the Chicago Park District.  All labor and expenses are covered by CAMBr West(Chicago Area Mountain Bikers West Chapter) volunteers. 


I might be a bit biases as the West Chapter President but it is pretty darn cool!

I assume Shar is referring to Humble Frameworks. He is a local frame builder. See some of his work here.

I've seen his work at the first Bike Winter show. Very pretty.

His shop is part of Bubbly Dynamics.


Kelvin Mulcky said:

What's Humbolt Frameworks?

Thanks guys! All of that stuff was on my radar (although I didn't realize Humble was doing such nice work) and much of it will be mentioned in the piece.




John Greenfield

Hi John- I think Dottie and the amazing community she's help grow with LGRAB, her rides and the Women Who Bike Brunch is worth a mention too!  J.



I will definitely try to mention Dottie's blog and all her great rides.





I always try to take people new to Chicago by the crazy monster statue on noble where it dead-ends by Hubbard st.That thing is so cool!

Ace Mann (if that is in fact your name),


Funny you should mention that. I just encountered that thing yesterday

in a futile search for the new location of the Wicker Park post office.




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