Streets for Cycling 2020 draft plan will be unveiled Tues May 22!

I know this is already on the CL calendar, but I wanted to make sure everybody sees the event notice. This is the unveiling of the proposed draft of a citywide network of new and upgraded bikeways. Come see the plan and show your support! (Additional meetings on the west and south side are also planned: see the CL calendar.)

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Hope to see many of you tonight! Who is in? Your input is still critical.

Serge--you can stop by on the later side. You don't need to be there at 6:30 to participate.

How is our input required? I was going to skip them assuming that this was one-way information dissemination and I would read a lot about in the next few days on GridChicago, ActiveTrans, etc.

What kind of input are they looking for? Let me know and I will make to one of the other ones.

Gin said:

Hope to see many of you tonight! Who is in? Your input is still critical.

Opinions on the effectiveness of the draft network and how well it meets your needs - for the purpose of a small amount of fine tuning before the finalized plan is publicized.

Duppie said:

How is our input required? I was going to skip them assuming that this was one-way information dissemination and I would read a lot about in the next few days on GridChicago, ActiveTrans, etc.

What kind of input are they looking for? Let me know and I will make to one of the other ones.

Gin said:

Hope to see many of you tonight! Who is in? Your input is still critical.

The presentation materials are online:

***Does little happy dance in cubicle***

The citywide map of the whole network can be found at the link below, under "What is your role?" #3 Draft 2020 Network.

NOW we can start talking! Five "bicycle superhighways" with protected lanes whenever possible (Clark, Milwaukee, Lake, Archer, MLK), numerous other long "crosstown bike routes" with protected lanes as well (Lincoln, Clybourn, Elston, Halsted, Damen, Lawrence, Division, Chicago, Grand) plus the smaller side street "neighborhood bike routes."

Why not go to one of the public meetings- two more coming up- there are  also two webinars.

Instead of commenting on the chainlink alone  send it to the project team. This is a public review period not an it's all done period.  

The first meeting was so small they took oodles of comments from those who attended.

Two more meetings and counting-

I miss you guys, too! I'll be back in fall. I'm sure you had fun on the Respighi.


Sorry to hear about your initial disappointment. I think you're south of UIC, right? What about the upgrades to Blue Island, 18th, Loomis, Cermak and Halsted? Another thing to think about is that many of us will probably change our current routes to go on the new facilities. I currently take Wells from home through the Loop, but once there are protected lanes on Dearborn and Clark, I'll never ride Wells for my bike commute again.


And yes, as Jen says, I encourage you to go to the remaining meetings. They're also welcoming more comments until June 30 during this public review period, and you can e-mail the project planners directly at streetsforcycling2020 at gmail dot com

h' said:

Miss you Michelle.

I can barely look at the map of proposed routes in my area. Absolutely none of my own input or that of any of the other locals I chatted with is reflected in the slightest, and the proposed routes make absolutely no sense to me whatsoever. I can only hope the city follows the standard practice of soliciting public input and then ignoring it, in this case.  I'm going to do my best not to comment on this further.

Michelle Stenzel said:

The citywide map of the whole network can be found at the link below, under "What is your role?" #3 Draft 2020 Network.

NOW we can start talking! Five "bicycle superhighways" with protected lanes whenever possible (Clark, Milwaukee, Lake, Archer, MLK), numerous other long "crosstown bike routes" with protected lanes as well (Lincoln, Clybourn, Elston, Halsted, Damen, Lawrence, Division, Chicago, Grand) plus the smaller side street "neighborhood bike routes."


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